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May 6, 2024


To: Undergraduate and Graduate Students

Subject: Last night's USG meeting


Dear Seawolves, 
As the semester winds down and final exams approach, I hope you are looking forward to the summer as a time to relax, recharge, enjoy time with family and friends, or further your education through summer internships, classes, or research projects. If you are graduating this year, congratulations! We’re so proud of you! 
We know the end of the semester can be a stressful time, so we want to offer you some advice and helpful resources: 
Take Care of Yourself 
As you study for your final exams and work hard on your final projects, remember that doing a good job is just as important as self-care. Self-care means taking care of yourself so that you are healthy, well, able to focus on studying, and successfully finish everything you want to accomplish. Part of self-care and stress relief is also getting a good night’s sleep and eating healthy meals.
Take a Break 
We have several events planned to help you destress during finals week. The adorable pets from Pet Away Life Stress (PALS) will be on campus today, Monday, May 6 from 1pm-3pm in the Union Lobby. University Libraries is also hosting a series of relaxation and stress relief events, so visit their SB Engaged page for more information. 
Also, stop by Midnight Breakfast tonight from 10pm-12am at East Side Dining for free hot breakfast and good times!     
Check out SB Engaged for more relaxing activities during finals week. 
Reach Out if You Need to Talk With Someone
If you feel heightened stress during final exams, we have resources available to help, including Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS). To make an appointment, visit the Wolfie Health Portal. Another resource is the Student Support Team who can help problem-solve with you and make referrals as needed to support your success at Stony Brook. 
In addition, TimelyCare’s TalkNow is our on-demand, virtual access to speak with a counselor anytime, day or night, about anything on your mind. Call the CAPS Crisis 24/7 Line at (631) 632-6720 when you are feeling distressed and need to speak to a crisis counselor.
Good luck on finals, Seawolves. Enjoy your summer!
Rick Gatteau, PhD
Vice President for Student Affairs