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Florence, Italy

Florence University of the Arts (FUA)

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  • Program Details

    Program Details

    Florence University of the Arts (FUA) offers a wide variety of courses in the humanities, fine arts, social sciences, business and natural sciences.  FUA has a highly qualified and dedicated international faculty, a large proportion of which is of Italian nationality, and an international student body.  FUA offers a variety of extra-curricular activities, such as city walks, film viewings, and sports nights.

    Location Florence, Italy
    Duration One semester
    Program Dates Fall Semester: late September to mid-December

    Spring Semester: late February to mid-May
    Application Deadline Fall Semester:

    Priority Deadline: April 1,
    Final Deadline: May 1

    Spring Semester: October 15
    Language of Instruction English
    Eligibility Admitted SBU Freshman

    All nationalities

    Some majors restricted
    Living Arrangements FUA student housing
    Visa Requirements

    An entry visa may be required for non-EU citizens and may depend on your passport country of issuance. US Passport holders do not require a visa for this program. Students holding other passports should verify with the Italian Consulate.

  • Academic Information

    Academic Information

    The FLY Italy program is open to students from most academic majors and disciplines! 

    Stony Brook University Academic Advisors will help students build their first semester schedule from a list of approved courses to ensure degree progress begins on FLY.

    Students will be registered both at Stony Brook University and FUA. The SBU FLY team will enroll students in the appropriate study abroad placeholder course (FSY) at Stony Brook. Students will work with the FUA Program Director to enroll in their selected courses at FUA. 

    Curriculum Options:

    1. Standard program: ISITIB165 Intensive Italian for 6 credits taken daily in Sessions II and III plus three additional lower-level courses taken on three different days
    2. Students who have already fulfilled beginning levels of Italian: Five lower-level classes distributed over four different days
    3. Students specially approved by SBU to take upper-level coursework: A portion of the FLY curriculum may be substituted by the upper-level options indicated here

    FUA FLY Course Listing
    Academic Policies
    • Students should only enroll in the pre-approved courses.  
    • Students must maintain full-time status while abroad.  (Equivalent to a minimum of 12 SBU credits and no more than 17 SBU credits each semester.)
    • Grades earned during FLY will not calculate towards the student's cumulative GPA, but will appear on their transcript.  At the end of the FLY program, students will need to submit their FUA transcript to the SBU FLY team for credit transfer. 
    • Students may not register for courses on a pass/fail basis.
    • All participants will receive GLO and EXP+ credit in addition to requirements fulfilled by their coursework.
    SBU Credit Policy
  • Student Life

    Student Life

    We are committed to ensuring you have the best possible experience during your FLY program!  While at FUA, you are still a Seawolf, and our SBU and on-site staff have developed programs and events to build your connection to SBU and ensure a smooth transition when you return to main campus.


    Virtual FLY Orientation

    Before your arrival to FUA campus, the SBU FLY team will provide a comprehensive orientation on what to expect from your FLY program.  Parents/guardians are welcome and encouraged to attend!  Topics covered include:

    • Course Registration
    • Safety, Health, and Wellness
    • Health Insurance
    • SBU Resources While Abroad
    • Staying Connected to SBU

    FUA Orientation

    Once you arrive in Florence, our on-site team will welcome you to campus and instruct you on your next steps:

    • FUA Campus Tour
    • Registration and Course Changes
    • Student Resources at FUA
    • Safety, Health, and Wellness
    • The SBU Experience
    Housing Options

    All FLY Italy participants will be housed in shared rooms in apartments in the historic city center, within a 20-minute walk of a university facility. The apartments are each unique, but will include the following features: common living space with kitchen, multiple occupancy bedrooms, one bathroom for every four students, internet access, air conditioning, and a washing machine.

    Student housing is within Florentine neighborhoods, therefore you will have local neighbors and become a member of your community.

    Single rooms are available for an additional fee on a first-come, first-serve basis. Students MUST reside in program-provided housing.

    FUA Housing

    Cultural Experiences

    The FLY Team and local staff are preparing unique cultural activities and SBU experiences for FLY students at FUA.  Check back for more details.

    Red Hot Fridays

    FLY is bringing this SBU tradition to FUA!  Every Friday at SBU, students, faculty, and staff can be seen wearing red around campus.  FLY students are encouraged to wear red or SBU logo gear to show your school spirit!  Be sure to tag @sbustudyabroad on Instagram repping your school colors!

    Fall 2025 activity schedule coming soon!

  • Costs

    Program Costs

    Tuition and fees for the FLY program will be billed directly in SOLAR as outlined in the general program details.  Students are also responsible  for expenses associated with international travel and living abroad, including airfare, housing, meals, books, and personal expenses.

    FLY Italy Cost Sheet

    * All costs subject to change at any time.

  • Resources and Contact

    Contact Information

    All FLY and SBU communication will be sent to your Stony Brook University email address.  Check your SBU email account regularly for important communication!

    Program Contact
    FUA Resident Coordinator contact details will be provided after program orientation in early June.
    Emergency Contacts
    Phone Number Service
    112 Emergency (Police, Ambulance, Fire)
    118 Ambulance
    115 Fire Department
    113 Police
  • Apply

    You MUST be newly admitted Stony Brook University students for the Fall 2025 who accepted their SBU offer by paying the deposit and have already set up your NET ID before you can apply for Freshman Launch Year (FLY) program.

    Submit your application through the application link below by logging in with our SBU credentials (using your NetID and Password)

    Fall 2025 FLY in Florence Application!

    If you are not ready to apply for the Freshman Launch Year (FLY) Program, but would like more information about it, please submit the interest form below.

    Interest Form

    Application deadline for Fall 2025 FLY at Florence University of the Arts is May 15, 2025.

Interested in learning more about the FLY Program?
Complete our INTEREST FORM