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On-campus Opportunities

URECA programs

*The three programs, Explorations in STEM,  Velay Fellowship, & URECA Summer (May 27-August 1, 2025) are funded through multiple sources and donors. Interested students should complete  the central URECA application by the deadline (March 14, 2025) and check all programs to which they are applying (multiple selections can be made). Please be aware that some programs require participation in weekly programming meetings/events.

Use the link below to apply to all URECA programs (including Explorations in STEM, URECA Summer,  Velay Fellowship). Please note that the URECA Application requires uploads of the following documents:  a) personal statement (1 page or less), b) research project proposal (1-3 pages), c) unofficial transcript,  d) resume/CV (optional, but recommended); plus a letter from the proposed faculty mentor.

Application Form/Link:

URECA application

Deadline: MARCH 14, 2025


*Note to applicants: A limited number of full or partial awards are available to help support on-campus housing costs for participants accepted to the  Explorations in STEM and/or Velay Fellowship programs. To apply for supplemental housing support, please complete the form below, after submitting your summer application. Note: Completion of the supplemental housing application form does not automatically guarantee that an award will be offered. Students who are Pell eligible and/or first generation who require housing support to be able to participate in summer research are strongly encouraged to apply for the SUNY SOAR program. 

Application Form/Link:

Supplemental housing award form

Deadline: MARCH 14, 2025


See also:

SUNY SOAR - this CIE-URECA partnership program provides summer research opportunities for students who are first-generation college students or economically disadvantaged. The SUNY SOAR program provides on-campus housing, plus a stipend and meal allowance.  Application deadline: TBD

INDUCER / Increasing Diversity in Undergraduate Cancer Biology Education (for underrepresented students in biological/biomedical sciences)

Summer Math Scholarship  opportunity (for SB rising sophomores/juniors in Mathematics)-

Other announcements/opportunities:
Have you thought about research opportunities nearby at BNL (such as the SULI program)?
See Education Programs at BNL.

*Please note that the REU programs offered at Stony Brook are primarily for visiting non-SB students.