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West Campus, Health Sciences, and School of Medicine



Online Learning Opportunities

Provided By Title Presenter Description Sign-Up
Provided ByOmbuds Office TitleMultiple Online Workshops Offered PresenterOmbuds Office DescriptionTopics such as effective and respectful communication, resolving problems or conflict and other topics to assist you in improving the work environment. Sign-UpSign-Up
Provided BySUNY TitleAccessibility Training PresenterDeque University DescriptionTrainings cover a wide variety of topics from the need to focus on accessibility, to designing and testing for accessibility in documents and the web. Sign-UpSign-Up
Provided ByEEOC TitleEffective Communication While Teleworking PresenterMichael Rojas; Electra Yourke DescriptionRespecting the workplace with a focus on telework. Sign-UpSign-Up
Provided ByDoIT Training & Development TitleSharing Your Google Doc  PresenterDoIT Training Group DescriptionDiscover how easy it is to use Google Docs! Sign-UpSign-Up
Provided ByDoIT Training & Development TitleScreenshots and Captures - Say it with Images and Videos PresenterDoIT Training Group DescriptionLearn how to easily create and send a screenshot! Sign-UpSign-Up
Provided ByDoIT Training & Development TitleYammer Yammer Yammer! PresenterDoIT Training Group DescriptionSign up for Yammer - our campus social media network - to see more campus trainings! Sign-UpSign-Up


On-Demand Learning Opportunities

HR Systems





Supervisory Training Opportunities in BizLibrary


Bud to Boss

A course designed to give you the tools to develop yourself as a leader featuring  topics, such as the DISC model, how to give effective feedback, conducting mindful one-on-one meetings, and so much more.

Register Here

Exceptional Leadership Communication

A course intended to help leaders more effectively lead and communicate in today’s world.

Register Here

Difficult Discussions with Employees

A video lesson  for managers on how to conduct uncomfortable but necessary conversations with their employees.

Register Here

Making Decisions as a Leader

A video lesson created to help you make timely, accurate, and meaningful decisions in your leadership role.

Register Here

Navigating the New Work Environment

In this new program, we are dedicated to giving you the tools you need to rebuild the camaraderie around the “lunch table” while developing a new, innovative thinking process for your team.

Register Here


Ombuds Leadership Development Workshops

Ombuds Leadership Workshops


For RF & SUNY Employees
Supervising One or More RF Employees

Supervisory Responsibilities 


Seasonal Learning Opportunities






More Training & Professional Development Opportunities for State Employees

NYS & CSEA Partnership for Education and Training for CSEA-represented employees

Online Learning Certificate Programs

The Partnership is a joint labor-management organization that provides education and training services to NYS agencies and CSEA-represented employees. Focus on making improvements to your computer skills, interpersonal communication, work management, or writing skills with our Online Learning Certificate Programs. A certificate can prepare CSEA-represented NYS employees to advance their careers or gain extra knowledge to stay competitive in their current positions.

More ON the Partnership

Graduate Student Employees Union (GSEU)

Professional Development Program

Funding for teaching and graduate assistants represented by GSEU to further their professional development.

More on GSEU Programs

Public Services Workshops for PEF & M/C Employees

PSW Program

Most workshops address the professional development needs of employees in job titles or professions within seven major Occupational Groups.

More ON the PSW Program

NYS/UUP Joint Labor-Management Committees

CLEFR Program

NYS/UUP JLMC CLEFR Program reimburses the cost of examinations for first-time certification, licensure, or designation of UUP-represented employees.

More ON the CLEFR Program

Individual Development Awards (IDA) 

Faculty and UUP Staff - program  available to assist with developing  professional potential as well as preparation for job advancement

Funding for this program is provided through labor-management commitment negotiated under Article 21, Statewide Joint Labor-Management Committees of the Agreement between the State and United University Professionals (UUP.)

Examples of eligible projects include:

  • Basic, applied, or historical research;
  • Curriculum or instructional material development;
  • Workshops, seminars, our coursework not covered by Article 49, Program for Tuition Assistance or SUNY tuition waiver;
  • Conference participation or attendance;
  • Preparation of material for publication;
  • Artistic or creative endeavors;
  • Other work- related professional development projects or activities.

UUP Main Campus Office:
S-5415 Melville Library
Stony Brook, NY 11794-3388
Tel: 631-632-6570



Civil Service Test Preparation Information

Test guides published by the Department of Civil Service are typically targeted to specific entry-level titles and are not provided for every civil service examination. If a test guide is available, it will be indicated on the examination announcement.

Test Guides and Resource Booklets

Order Study Guides

National Learning Corporation (NLC)
212 Michael Drive
Syosett, NY 11791
Tel: (516) 921-8888 or (800) 645-6337



Training Opportunities for RF Employees



simons art

Sponsored Program Staff

Offering introductory information about the various applications within the RF business system to core business concepts relating to the Research Foundation.

Sponsored Program StaffOffering introductory information about the various applications within the RF business system to core business concepts relating to the Research Foundation.... MORE ON TRAINING FOR Sponsored Program Staff


water testing jar

Training for Researchers

From professional development opportunities to information and training on various innovation topics,  SUNY RF's Learning and Development team has compiled them all in one place.

Training for ResearchersFrom professional development opportunities to information and training on various innovation topics,  SUNY RF's Learning and Development team has compiled them all in one place.... MORE ON Training for Researchers



grass seeds

Seasonal Learning Series

Grow your future! Every season, the Research Foundation for SUNY offers a wide range of learning and development offerings.

Seasonal Learning SeriesGrow your future! Every season, the Research Foundation for SUNY offers a wide range of learning and development offerings.... MORE ON THE Seasonal Learning Series


sun energy


The largest, most comprehensive university-connected research foundation in the country has a YouTube Channel!

SUNY RF's YouTube CHANNELThe largest, most comprehensive university-connected research foundation in the country has a YouTube Channel!... Tune In Here!





Campus Learning Opportunities

Human Resources Workshops


Workshops that support organizational goals, implementing on-the-job training and reinforcing the use of new skills and knowledge.