We're hiring peer tutors for spring 2025. Check out our HIRING page for more details.
Skill-based peer tutoring can help you discover new ways to study and learn. Check it out!
Schedule a one-on-one appointment
through NAVIGATE Student
Stop by during one of our drop-in sessions
(no appointment needed!)
Wednesdays 4pm - 5pm
Fridays 10am - 11am
Important Dates
Monday, December 9th:
Last day of ASTC services for the semester
Tuesday, December 10th:
RTC is hosting a Reading Day drop-in tutoring event. Check the calendar on their website for details.
Thursday, December 12th:
Last day of STAR-NY services for the semester
Helpful Links
Do we have tutoring for your course?
VIEW A LIST of courses we support at the ASTC.
VIEW OUR DROP-IN courses and times.
CLICK HERE for additional courses we support through STAR-NY tutoring.
Schedule an appointment
Search for a course-based or skill-based tutoring appointment on Navigate.
Need help scheduling a tutoring appointment? CLICK HERE
Follow the ASTC on Instagram!