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Ultracold chemistry as a testbed for few-body physics
PyQCAMS: Python Quasi-Classical Atom-Molecule Scattering
Ion solvation in atomic baths: from snowballs to polarons
Py3BR: A software for computing atomic three-body recombination rates
On the role of non-additive interactions in three-body recombination
Spectroscopic constants from atomic properies: a machine learning approach
AlF-AlF Reaction Dynamics between 200K and 1000K: Reaction Mechanisms and Intermediate
Complex Characterization
Cold atom-ion systems in radio-frequency multiple traps: Event-driven molecular dynamics
and stochastic simulations
Three-body recombination in physical chemistry
A single ion immersed in an ultracold gas: from cold chemistry to impurity physics
Quasi-Static Lineshape Theory for Rydberg Excitations in High-Density Media
Trap-Assisted Complexes in Cold Ion-Atom Collisions
Barrier Height Predictions by Machine Learning Correction of Semi-Empirical Calculations
Mapping atomic trapping in an optical superlattice onto the libration of a planar
rotor in electric fields
The performance of CCSD(T) for the calculation of dipole moments in diatomics
Ion-atom-atom three-body recombination: from the cold to the thermal regime
Hyperradial distribution function of few-body problems: a new arena for extreme value
Molecular Migdal effect
Ion-atom-atom three-body recombination in cold hydrogen and deuterium plasmas
Dynamics of a single ion in high-density medium: a stochastic approach
The chemistry of AlF and CaF production in buffer gas sources
Spectroscopy characterization of the a3Π state of aluminium monofluoride
Precision spectroscopy of positronium: Testing bound-state QED and the search for
physics beyond the Standard Model
Classical-quantum localization in one dimensional systems: The kicked rotor
Observation of Chemical Reactions between a Trapped ion an ultracold Feshbach Dimers
Ozone formation in ternary collisions: theory and experiment reconciled
Dynamics of translational and rotational thermalization of AlF molecules via collisions
with cryogenic helium
On the relationship between spectroscopic constants of diatomic molecules: a machine
learning approach
Predicting second virial coefficients of organic and inorganic compounds using Gaussian
process regression
Observation of asymmetric line shapes in precision microwave spectroscopy of the positronium
23S1→ 23PJ(J=1,2) fine-structure intervals
Rydberg atom-ion collisions in cold environments
Cold chemistry: a few-body perspective on impurity physics of a single ion in an ultracold
Life and death of a cold BaRb+ molecule inside an ultracold cloud of Rb atoms
On the formation of van der Waals molecules in a buffer gas cell
Classical threshold law for the formation of van der Waals molecules
Complex Reaction Network Thermodynamic and Kinetic Autoconstruction Based on Ab Initio
Statistical Mechanics: A case Study of O2 Activation on Ag4 Clusters
- S. Hofsäss, M. Doppelbauer, S. Wright, S. Kray, B. G. Sartakov, J. Pérez-Ríos, G. Meijer and S. Truppe
Optical cycling of AlF molecules
Characterisation of the b3Σ+, ν=0 state and its interaction with the A1Π state in aluminium monofluoride
An introduction to cold and ultracold chemistry: Atoms, Molecules, Ions and Rydbergs
Controlling the nature of a charged impurity in a bath of Feshbach dimers
C6 coefficients for interacting Rydberg atoms and alkali-metal dimers
A data-driven approach to determine dipole moments of diatomic molecules
The diatomic molecular spectroscopy database
Spectroscopic characterization of aluminum monofluoride with relevance to laser cooling
and trapping
Vibrational quenching and reactive processes of weakly bound molecular ions colliding
with atoms at cold temperatures
Genetic based fitting techniques for high precision potential energy curves of diatomic
Direct detection of nuclear scattering of sub-Gev dark matter using molecular excitations
Current and future perspectives of positronium and muonium spectroscopy as dark sectors
Searching for light-dark matter through Positronium decay
Universal temperature dependence of the ion-neutral-neutral three-body recombination
Observation of Quantum Interference and Coherent Control in a Photochemical Reaction
Lifetimes of ultralong-range strontium Rydberg molecules in a dense Bose-Einstein
Universal few-body physics and cluster formation
Classical fractals and quantum chaos in ultracold dipolar collisions
Ultracold molecule assembly with photonic crystals
Rotational state-dependent attachment of He atoms to cold molecular ions: An action
spectroscopic scheme for rotational spectroscopy
Two-photon photoassociation spectroscopy of an ultracold heteronuclear molecule
Rotational relaxation of molecular ions in a buffer gas
Short-range photoassociation of LiRb
Observation of pendular butterfly Rydberg molecules
Ultracold Chemical Reactions of a Single Rydberg Atom in a Dense Gas
Probing an Electron Scattering Resonance using Rydberg Molecules within a Dense and
Ultracold GasPhys. Rev. Lett 116, 053001
Energy Scaling of Cold Atom-Atom-Ion Three-Body Recombination
Mapping trilobite state signatures in atomic hydrogen
Ultracold molecular Rydberg physics in a high-density environment
Controlling Rydberg atom excitations in dense background gases