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Current Doctoral Fellows


kayode  Kayode Adebowale  Technology, Policy, and Innovation
 Benedette Benedette Adewale   Chemistry
 Azeez Azeez Aranmolate  Molecular and Cellular Biology 
alejandra  Alejandra Castano  Chemistry 
 Patricia Patricia Enmore   Neuroscience 
Pedro Fernandez  Peter Fernandez  Interdepartmental Anthropology 
Ramon Emilio Fernandez  R. Emilio Fernandez  Technology, Policy, and Innovation 
Kevin  Kevin Hauser  Chemistry  
 Jesse John Jesse John   Geosciences
crystal  Crystal Lewis   Inorganic Chemistry 
joe    Joe Matarlo  Biochemistry and Structural Biology 
Daphne  Daphne Meza  Biomedical Engineering 
 Carrie Carrie Mongle    Interdepartmental Anthropology
 ariel Ariel Negron 


 Allison  Allison Nesbitt   Interdepartmental Anthropology
 Celest Celest Okoli 

Materials Science and Engineering

 Jason  Jason Quinones  Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology 
 melissa Melissa Sims Geosciences 
 Lyl  Lyl Tomlinson  Neuroscience
 steve  Steve Tsotras

Biochemistry and Cell Biology

 jinelle Jinelle Wint    Molecular and Cellular Biology