Speakers Bureau
Department of Anesthesiology
Cindy Leiton, PhD
Postdoctoral Associate, Stony Brook University
Email: Cindy.Leiton@stonybrook.edu
Specialty: Neurobiology/Astrocyte-Neuron metabolism
Seminar Title: "The Astrocyte-Neuron Metabolic Relationship during Hypoxia"
Department of Anthropology
Pedro Fernandez
Graduate Student, Stony Brook University
Anthropological Sciences
Email: Pedro.Fernandez@stonybrook.edu
Specialty: Physical anthropology & Postcranial Functional Morphology
Seminar Title: "Functional Morphology of the Distal Metatarsus in Anthropoids"
Carrie Mongle
Graduate Student, Stony Brook University
Anthropological Sciences
Email: Carrie.Mongle@stonybrook.edu
Specialty: Morphology & Phylogenetics
Seminar Title: "Species Variability and Recognition in the Hominin Fossil Record"
Allison Nesbitt
Graduate Student, Stony Brook University
Anthropological Sciences
Email: Allison.Nesbitt@stonybrook.edu
Specialty: Biological Anthropology, Osteology, Geometric Morphometrics & Forensic Anthropology
Seminar Title: "Evolution and the Morphological Integration of the Skull"
Lauren Petrullo
Graduate Student, Stony Brook University
Anthropological Sciences
Email: Lauren.Petrullo@stonybrook.edu
Seminar Title:
Department of Applied Mathematics and Statistics
T. Dwight McGee Jr., PhD
Postdoctoral Associate, Stony Brook University
Email: Terry.Mcgee@stonybrook.edu
Specialty: Computational Chemistry
Seminar Title: "Free-Energy Protocol to Aid in the Design of Small-Molecule HIV Fusion Inhibitors"
Department of Biochemistry
Joe Matarlo
Graduate Student, Stony Brook University
Biochemistry and Structural Biology
Email: Matarlo.Joe@stonybrook.edu
Specialty: Chemical Biology & Drug Discovery: Microbiology & Enzymology
Seminar Title: "Mechanism of MenE Inhibition by Acyl-Adenylate Analogues: Discovery and Structure-Activity
Relationships of Novel Antibacterial Agents."
Moises Guardado
Graduate Student, Stony Brook University
Email: Moises.Guardado@stonybrook.edu
Specialty:Cancer Chemotherapeutics & Cancer Metabolism
Seminar Title: "Probing the metabolic state of cancer cell and its role in metastasis"
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Daphne Meza
Graduate Student, Stony Brook University
Biomedical Engineering
Email: Daphne.Meza@stonybrook.edu
Department of Biological, Environmental and Climate Sciences
Paulo Castillo, PhD
Postdoctoral Associate, Brookhaven National Laboratory
Email: PCastillo@bnl.gov
Seminar Title: "Atmospheric Aerosols and Their Influence in Climate"
Department of Chemistry
Benedette Adewale
Graduate Student, Stony Brook University
Email: Benedette.Adewale@stonybrook.edu
Seminar Title: "Sorption of Dioctyl Sodium Sulfosuccinate to Coastal Gulf of Mexico Sediment."
Alejandra Castano
Graduate Student, Stony Brook University
Email: Alejandra.Castano@stonybrook.edu
Seminar Title: "Generation and Characterization of Adduct-Specific Anti-Ciplatin DNA Antibodies."
Alesha Harris, PhD
Postdoctoral Associate, Brookhaven National Laboratory
Email: HarrisAlesha@bnl.gov
Seminar Title: "Targeted and Metal-Loaded Polymeric Nanoparticles as Potential Cancer Therapeutics."
Kevin Hauser
Graduate Student, Stony Brook University
Email: Kevin.E.Hauser@stonybrook.edu
Specialty: Chemical Biology: Computational and Theoretical
Seminar Title: "A Human Transcription Factor in Search Mode"
Crystal Lewis
Graduate Student, Stony Brook University
Inorganic Chemistry
Seminar Title: "The Potential Use of Iron Oxide (α-Fe2O3) Nanorhombohedra in CNS Therapy."
Jeannette Marine
Graduate Student, Stony Brook University
Email: Jeannette.Marine@stonybrook.edu
Robert Palomino, PhD
Postdoctoral Associate, Brookhaven National Laboratory
Email: robert.palomino@stonybrook.edu
Department of Geosciences
Jesse John
Graduate Student, Stony Brook University
Email: Jesse.John@stonybrook.edu
Specialty: Geochemistry/ X-ray diffraction/ Synthesis
Seminar Title: "PDF Analysis of Mono Sodium Titanate"
Melissa Sims
Graduate Student, Stony Brook University
Email: Melissa.Sims@stonybrook.edu
Specialty: Mineral physics
Seminar Title: "Insights into Shocked Feldspar Systems from Adventures in Rate-Dependent in-situ
Compression and Heating Experiments."
Department of Material Science & Engineering
Owen Abe
Graduate Student, Stony Brook University
Material Science & Engineering
Email: Owen.Abe@stonybrook.edu
Specialty: Ceramics, Biosensors
Seminar Title: "Fabrication and Characterization of ε-WO3 Processed Flame Spray Pyrolysis Thin
Film Ferroelectric Capacitors"
Celest Okoli
Graduate Student, Stony Brook University
Material Science & Engineering
Email: Celest.Okoli@stonybrook.edu
Specialty: Energy Technology & Materials
Seminar Title: "Can we depend on electrochemical energy as a path to energy sustainability?" Yes
we can.
Department of Molecular Genetics and Microbiology
Steve Tsotras
Graduate Student, Stony Brook University
Email: Steve.Tsotras@stonybrook.edu
Specialty: Microbiology/ Virology
Seminar Title: "Histone Deactylases as Sumo Ligases in Adenovirus Infection"
Department of Neurobiology and Behavior
Azeez Aranmolate
Graduate Student, Stony Brook University
Molecular & Cellular Biology
Email: Azeez.Aranmolate@stonybrook.edu
Specialty: Immunology & Pathology
Seminar Title: "The Role of Dystrophin in myelination of the Central Nervous System."
Patricia Enmore
Graduate Student, Stony Brook University
Email: Patricia.Enmore@stonybrook.edu
Ariel Negrón
Graduate Student, Stony Brook University
Email: Ariel.Negron@stonybrook.edu
Specialty: Neuroendocrinology/ Reproductive Neuroendocrinology
Seminar Title: "Targeted Deletion of PTEN in Kisspeptin Cells: Effects on Kisspeptin Neuron Development
and Reproductive, Physiology."
Lyl Tomlinson
Graduate Student, Stony Brook University
Email: Lyl.Tomlinson@stonybrook.edu
Specialty: Cellular & Molecular/ Exercise
Seminar Title: "Exercise and Youth: How Aerobic Activity May Influence Brain Development in Juveniles."
Jinelle Wint
Graduate Student, Stony Brook University
Molecular & Cellular Biology
Email: Jinelle.Wint@stonybrook.edu
Specialty: Developmental Biology
Seminar Title: "Zebrafish as a model for Parkinson's Disease"
Department of Pharmacological Sciences
Jason Quinones
Graduate Student, Stony Brook University
Molecular & Cellular Pharmacology
Email: Jason.Quinones@stonybrook.edu
Specialty: Genome Integrity & Carcinogenesis/ DNA Repair
Seminar Title: "The Formation & Fate of Oxidative DNA-protein cross-links (DPCs) Involving DNA
Polymerase Beta in Mammalian Cells."
Department of Technology and Society
Kayode C.V. Adebowale
Graduate Student, Stony Brook University
Technology, Policy and Innovation
Email: Oluwakayode.Ekwunifeorakwue@stonybrook.edu
Specialty: Educational Technology/ Online and Blended Learning
Seminar Title: "A Model for Predicting how Patterns of Learner Interactions with Course Contents
Impacts Student Retention, Course Completions, and Scores on Learning Assessments
among Post-Secondary Students in Asynchronous Online, and Synchronous Blended/Hybrid
Learning Environments."
R. Emilio Fernández
Graduate Student, Stony Brook University
Technology, Policy and Innovation
Email: Emilio.Fernandez@stonybrook.edu
Specialty: Mathematics Education & Policy; STEM workforce Policy/ The University's Third Mission
Seminar Title: "An Effective Policy for High School to College Transition: The Case of Bronx Count
Public High Schools."