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Timothy K. august

Tim August

Associate  Professor
Ph.D. University of Minnesota, 2014
Critical refugee studies; diasporic Vietnamese literature; postcolonial criticism; theories of food and eating; Asian American studies; world literature; television studies; critical theory; ethnic studies
Humanities 2084

  • Biography


    Timothy K. August is an Associate Professor of English at Stony Brook University. He received his Ph.D. in Comparative Literature from the University of Minnesota. He specializes in critical refugee studies, diasporic Vietnamese literature, World Literature, theories of food and eating, and Asian American studies.

    His first book, The Refugee Aesthetic: Reimagining Southeast Asian America, investigates why a number of Southeast Asian American authors have recently embraced the refugee identity as a transformative position. Arguing that aesthetics should be central to the conceptualization of critical refugee studies, he shows how representational structures can galvanize or marginalize refugees, depending upon how refugee aesthetics are used and circulated.

    He has also co-edited a special issue of the Canadian Review of American Studies, titled, "Vietnam, War, and the Global Imagination.” Other recent publications have appeared in MELUS: Multi-Ethnic Literature of the U.S.; The Journal of Commonwealth Literature; American Quarterly;Television & New Media; The Oxford Encyclopedia of Asian American Literature and Culture; and the Global Asian American Popular Cultures anthology.

    He teaches classes in Asian American Literature, Refugee Literature and Film, World Literature, Television Studies, and Postcolonial Literature.

    For more information and to download selected publications, go  to

  • Courses Taught at Stony Brook

    CLT 101: Introduction to World Literatures

    CLT 301: Theory of Literature

    CLT 361: Literature and Society

    CCS 313: Television Studies

    CLT 609: Advanced Topics in Comparative Literature

    CST 609: Advanced Topics in Cultural Studies

    CLT 501: Theories of Comparative Literature

    EGL 112: World Literature: Modern to Contemporary 

    EGL 301: Authors, Periods, Topics, or Genres, with Intensive Writing

    EGL 311: Literary or Critical History

    EGL 369: Topics in Ethnic American Literature and Culture: Immigration, Aesthetics, and Asian American Literature

    EGL 587: Topics in Race, Ethnic Studies: Refugee Literature & Film

    EGL 608: Period and Tradition: Theories of World Literature & Global Culture