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Rebecca Conley


PhD from Applied Mathematics and Statistics Department in the Computational Applied Math track

Year Graduated


Job title

Assistant Professor of Mathematics

Job location

Saint Peter’s University in Jersey City, NJ

Contact info


LinkedIn Page

Before going to SBU, I earned my BA from Pace University where I double majored in math and political science. Then I completed my MA in pure math at Hunter College. As an undergrad, I began tutoring math. While I was working on my doctoral degree, I was teaching at Pace University as an adjunct. I love helping people understand math, especially if they have struggled with it in the past. I knew that I wanted to be a professor so that I could share my passion for all types of math with my students. 

Position Description

As an assistant professor at a small liberal arts, teaching-focused college, I teach 4 courses a semester. This semester, I am teaching an introduction to statistics course, which is a core requirement; two sections of statistics for the life sciences, which is mainly for Biology students; and a probability theory class, which is for math and computer science majors. I am continuing to collaborate on research with my research connections from Stony Brook.

Structure of a typical day

I teach 3 days a week. On a teaching day, I have 3 morning classes and an afternoon class. While I’m not teaching I work on grading, lesson planning, holding office hours, and answering student emails. Some days there are faculty meetings or workshops. There is also a service component to my job, which can entail representing the department at open houses, advising students, and attending convocation and graduation. I spend some time every week working on my research, but for professors at teaching colleges, summer is a good time to do research.  

How did you find the job

All the jobs that I applied to were listed on HigherEdJobs.com, MathJobs.org, or on individual school’s websites. 

Advice to other students

Use your time as a graduate student to explore your interests: attend seminars, volunteer, do an internship, teach. Having experience is really helpful when you are looking for jobs. In every job interview, I was asked about what experience, knowledge, or ideas I could bring to the job.