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PHY 504: Computational Methods in Physics and Astrophysics

Instructor: Alan Calder, alan.calder@stonybrook.edu
Location:  Math SINC Site
Time: 9:00 - 9:53am
3 credits, Students will use the computers provided

An introduction to procedural and object-oriented programming in a high-level language such as C++ or modern Fortran with examples and assignments consisting of rudimentary algorithms for problems in physics and astronomy.Students will use the UNIX/Linux operating system to write programs and manage data, and thecoursewill include an introduction to parallel computing and good programming practices such as version control and verification. Thecoursewill prepare students forcoursesin algorithms and methods that assume a knowledge of programming.

This new graduate introduction to programming course is being offered in the spring of 2017 and it is meant to be an introduction to pragramming ands the Linux/Unix operating system for students with no prior programming experience.  Students will gain the knowledge and experience to begin computational research or take advanced computational courses that assume programming experience. 

*Please note that while this is a physics course, the examples and assignments will be appropriate for students with a variety of backgrounds. 




Alan Calder


Monday, January 23, 2017


9:00 - 9:53am


Math SINC Site