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Next-Generation AMR

Block-structured adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) is a powerful tool for improving the computational efficiency and reducing the memory footprint of structured-grid numerical simulations. AMR techniques have been used for over 25 years to solve increasingly complex problems. I will give an overview of what we are doing in Berkeley Lab's AMR framework, BoxLib, to address the challenges of next-generation multicore architectures and the complexity of multiscale, multiphysics problems, including new ways of thinking about multilevel algorithms and new approaches to data layout and load balancing, in situ and in transit visualization and analytics, and run-time performance modeling and control.


Ann Almgren is a senior scientist in the Computational Research Division of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and the acting Group Lead of the Center for Computational Sciences and Engineering. Her primary research interest is in computational algorithms for solving PDE's for fluid dynamics in a variety of application areas. Her current projects include the development and implementation of new multiphysics algorithms in high-resolution adaptive mesh codes that are designed for the latest multicore architectures. She is a SIAM Fellow and serves on the editorial boards of CAMCoS and SIREV.


Ann Almgren


Thursday, September 15, 2016


1 - 2 pm


IACS Seminar Room
