Call for Participation - 2017 Tapia Conference

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

IACS Diversity Outreach Coordinator Rosalia Davi (second from the left) and IACS Student Diversity Ambassador Adrián Soto (far left) at the ACM Richard Tapia Celebration of Diversity in Computing conference in Austin, TX IACS Professor Barbara Chapman (second from the right) attended as well as a representative for Brookhaven National Laboratory, where she holds a joint appointment.

Picture courtesy of ACM Richard Tapia Celebration of Diversity in Computing Conference

Student Posters/ACM Student Research Competition Submissions

The research poster session provides an opportunity for students to present their latest research results and methodologies to a wide conference audience and to network with peers and experts in their research area. Posters are appropriate for work in progress, preliminary results, and late-breaking research results. If your poster submission is accepted, it will be displayed for a 2-hour time period on Thursday, September 21, 2017.

At least one student author for each accepted poster must register to attend the conference and be designated to present the poster during the 2-hour session. During this time, a panel of judges will score the posters. We will recognize posters during the conference banquet for two separate categories—1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners for undergraduate students and 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners for graduate students. An attendee may present only one poster. Posters must represent original work and cannot be previously published in another venue.

ACM Student Research Competition (SRC)

For the first time, on top of the poster program, Tapia 2017 will host an ACM Student Research Competition (SRC), sponsored by Microsoft Research. The ACM SRC consists of two phases: (1) poster presentation (being part of the traditional research poster session), and (2) research talk. In Phase 2, selected students will give a short presentation of their research before a panel of judges in a special session at Tapia 2017. Up to three winners will be chosen in each category, undergraduate and graduate, and receive prizes (note that these prizes are separate from the above poster winner prizes, and an SRC poster is also eligible for a poster winner prize). The winners of the competition will be invited to participate in the ACM Student Research Competition Grand Finals.

To be eligible for SRC:
(1) a poster submission’s first author must be the only student author in the author list, i.e., being an undergraduate or graduate student pursuing an academic degree at the time of initial submission. 

(2) the poster submission’s first author must be a current student member of the ACM, and must provide his/her ACM member number (a student can sign up for the ACM student membership for only $19 a year). In other words, a poster submission with multiple student authors won’t be eligible for SRC.

For additional information, visit the official ACM Student Research Competition website.

Poster Submission Guidelines

Your poster proposal must include the following: 
● Title
● Category (undergraduate or graduate) 
● If any of the student authors is a graduate student, the category is “graduate”. If all student authors are undergraduate students, the category is “undergraduate”.
● Names of the authors
● If you are entering the ACM SRC competition (Indicate “yes” if the above listed eligibility criteria for ACM SRC are met including a designated presenter (must be a student) and the presenter’s ACM student member number (required only for an SRC-eligible submission) 
the name of the advisor(s);
● 2-page research abstract which must conform to the Tapia Format and Submission Guidelines, and must not exceed 2 pages for all text, figures, and references in PDF format.

The 2-page research abstract will be used as the basis for reviewing your submission. The research abstract should describe: the research problem and motivation, background and related work, approach and uniqueness, results, and contributions. Papers will be judged based on how well they cover these aspects of the work.

The designated student Poster Presenters who are studying at U.S. colleges/universities or at colleges/universities in U.S. Territories will be eligible to receive a scholarship that includes full conference registration, a reimbursable travel stipend and hotel accommodations.

Posters submission deadline is Sunday, January 29, 2017 at 11:59 pm PT

Please Note:
Travel Scholarships are only awarded to accepted presenters studying at colleges/universities in the U.S. and U.S. Territories. Accepted student poster presenters at international universities are responsible for providing their own travel, hotel and registration to attend the conference.

You MUST submit your application for a Tapia scholarship by Sunday, January 29, 2017 at 11:59 pm PT. If you DO NOT submit an application for a Tapia Scholarship and your poster is accepted, you will be responsible for covering your conference registration, travel and hotel accommodations.