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Understanding the importance of client identities

 This workshop focuses on understanding the importance of client identities. Materials include clinical competencies and training objectives, recommended readings, a PowerPoint presentation, relevant video segments, and other resources.

Clinical Competencies and Training Objectives:

  1. Increase knowledge of the various the LGBTQ+ identities and relevant terminology for providing affirming mental healthcare
  2. Understand the importance of salient identities of clients and their impact
  3. Acknowledge and understand the implications of cultural barriers (e.g. stigma among racial-ethnic communities) on clients’ likelihood of seeking and staying in treatment
  4. Validate client’s reasons for seeking treatment (which may or may not be related to their LGBTQ+/POC identities)

Recommended Readings: 

  1. Cyrus, K. (2017). Multiple minorities as multiply marginalized: Applying the minority stress theory to LGBTQ people of color. Journal of Gay & Lesbian Mental Health21(3), 194-202.
  2. Pachankis, J. E. (2014). Uncovering clinical principles and techniques to address minority stress, mental health, and related health risks among gay and bisexual men. Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice, 21(4), 313–330.

Corresponding PowerPoint Presentation:Understanding the importance of client identities

Recommended Video Segments: 

Segment: Introductions and Participants Salient Identities & Their Impact Dr. Dina Vivian and Dr. Adam Gonzalez introduce themselves and present the goal of this video project. Interviewees share their pronouns, age, the identities that are most important for them and discuss the impact of their identities on their life. 

Segment: Navigating Family & The Community (minute 1:15:50 – 1:46). Interviewees share their coming out stories and how they have navigated sharing their identities with family and the community. 

Other Relevant Resources: 

Wright-Constantine Structured Cultural Interview (WCSCI)