Minority stress and mental health
This workshop focuses on minority stress, barriers to care and health disparities experienced by LGBTQ+/POC. Materials include clinical competencies and training objectives, recommended readings, a PowerPoint presentation, and relevant video segments.
Clinical Competencies and Training Objectives:
- Awareness of implicit biases, and overt/covert discrimination, microaggressions, and their impact on mental health.
- Knowledge of the unique needs of LGBTQ+/ POC clients in regards to access to and utilization of mental healthcare.
- Awareness of health disparities and health inequity issues including treatment affordability and transportation barriers.
- Understand how misinformed stereotypes combined with a lack of diversity in research and treatment may hinder treatment access in LGBTQ+/POC populations.
- Gain an understanding of how barriers to treatment (e.g. affordability, transportation, responsibilities, difficulties locating treatment) may influence a client’s attendance and commitment to treatment.
- Psychoeducational interventions and community outreach efforts to promote LGBTQ+/POC access to socially affirming minority communities.
- Awareness of the role of the LGBTQ+/POC community and other networks (e.g. religious or faith-based groups) as positive coping resources.
- Remove barriers and foster LGBTQ+/POC clients’ access to community affirming networks (e.g. social groups, allied organizations, religious or faith-based groups) to augment positive coping resources.
Recommended Readings:
- Hartman-Munick, S. M., Silverstein, S., Guss, C. E., Lopez, E., Calzo, J. P., & Gordon, A. R. (2021). Eating disorder screening and treatment experiences in transgender and gender diverse young adults. Eating Behaviors, 41, 101517.
- Kattari, S. K., Walls, N. E., Whitfield, D. L., & Langenderfer Magruder, L. (2017).
Racial and ethnic differences in experiences of discrimination in accessing social
services among transgender/gender-nonconforming people. Journal of Ethnic & Cultural
Diversity in Social Work, 26(3), 217-235.
Corresponding PowerPoint Presentation:Minority Stress and Mental Health
Recommended Video Segments:
Segment: Stressors and Mental Health (minute 14:36 – 21:37). Interviewee discusses factors related to their identity that have contributed to stress and mental health problems.
Segment: Coping Mechanisms (minute 1:03:45 – 1:15:49)
Interviewees discuss various ways in which they have coped with minority stress related to the experience of bias, stigma and discrimination.