All students on an unlimited meal plan (Wolfie Deluxe or Wolfie Standard) will have
the option to use 54 meal exchanges per semester at Roth Cafe.
Students on an unlimited meal plan (Wolfie Deluxe or Wolfie Standard) can use TWO
takeout meals per day at East Side and West Side dine-in.
Spring 2025 Meal Plan START Dates:
Dining Dollars active starting Friday, January 17
Meal Swipes active starting with breakfast on Sunday, January 26
Meal Exchanges active starting Sunday, January 26
Spring 2025 Meal Plan END Dates:
ALL Meal Plan Funds (Dining Dollars, Meal Swipes, Guest Meal Swipes and Meal Exchanges)
expire on Friday, May 23, 2025. Remaining balances are forfeited.
Dining Dollars may be used at any dining location, includingthe SBU Eats food trucks and at dine-in*! All dining locations also accept Wolfie
Wallet andcredit/debit. For a list of dining locations, hours, menus, and nutrition information,
visit the SBU Eats website.
Dining Dollars roll over from fall to spring. The last day to use Dining Dollars is commencement day of the Spring semester. The
remaining balances are forfeited.
Meal Swipes may be used at West Side Dine-In or East Side Dine-In regardless of where
you live. The choice is yours!
Meal Swipes do not roll over and expire at the end of each semester. The remaining
balances are forfeited.
Unlimited meal plans include Guest Passes which can be used to swipe in a visiting
friend or family member at Dine-In Locations (East Side Dine-In and West Side Dine-In).
Guest passes may be used at Dine-In Locations only.
Guest Passes do not roll over and expire at the end of each semester. The remaining
balances are forfeited.
If you areon the Wolfie Standard or Wolfie Deluxe meal plan, you may use a Meal Exchange (54 per semester*)at the following Roth Cafe locations: Subway®, Smash n’ Shake, and Savor. Each location has a meal exchange menu option. Meal exchanges do not roll over. Any remaining meal exchanges are forfeited at the
end of each semester.
Don't forget, you can always use your Dining Dollars or Wolfie Wallet funds anytime
at Roth Cafe!
Meal Periods and Door Rates at Dine-In Locations
When using Dining Dollars to pay the door price at dine-in locations, you save 10%!
Door Prices**
Breakfast: $8.75
Lunch/Brunch: $15
Dinner: $16
Late Night: $10.50
**Door Price: Patrons who do not have meal swipes may pay the listed door price during each meal
period. Dining Dollars, Wolfie Wallet, and Credit/Debit are accepted.
Meal Periods*
Breakfast (Mon - Fri): 7:30am to 10:59am
Lunch (Mon - Fri): 11am to 3:59pm
Brunch (Sat - Sun): 9am to 3:59pm
Dinner (Mon - Fri): 4pm to 9:59pm
Dinner (Sat - Sun): 4pm to 11pm
Late Night (Mon - Fri): 10pm to midnight
*Hours subject to change.
Takeout Meals at Dine-In Locations
Take-Out Meals with SBU Eats Goes Green Containers
Reusable SBU EATS Goes Green take-out containers can be picked up at East or West
Side Dine-In locations.
How it Works:
Let the cashier know you wish to use thetakeoutoption upon entry to the dine-in location.
Fill your container with food from East or West Side Dine-In to take on the go. Once you have filled up your takeout container and beverage cup you are required to leave the dining location. Takeout meals are not to be eaten in the dining areas.
After you eat your meal, rinse your container of any leftover food.
Deposit your UNSANITIZED container in a SBU Eats Goes Green Bin located at East or West Side dine-in.
Pick up a SANITIZED container at the register at East or West Side dine-in when using a take-out swipe.
The first container is FREE. Additional containers can be purchased at the register of the Dine-In locations for
$5 (Wolfie Wallet can be used).
Students on an unlimited meal plan can use two take-out meals per day.
Yes. On the payment screen, press "Meal Exchange." Meal exchanges can only be used
once per day* by students on a Wolfie Standard or Wolfie Deluxe meal plan. View the meal exchange menu options.
*Students on the Wolfie Standard or Wolfie Deluxe meal plan will have 54 meal exchanges
per semester. These meal exchanges do not rollover from fall to spring or spring to
fall. Any remaining meal exchanges are forfeited at the end of each semester.
Starting in fall 2025, students may use up to two meal exchanges per day.
Yes. View the meal exchange menu options for details. Make sure to let the cashier know you would like to use a meal exchange
before placing your order.
No, meal exchanges are not currently offered at Popeyes.
No, meal exchanges are offered all day!
Requirements, Dietary Needs, Waivers, and Financial Aid
Commuters, students living in an on-campus apartment and graduate students are not required to be on a meal plan but may choose from any resident plan, as well
as a variety of plans designed especially for them.
New students are going through a transition, living away from home for the first time,
making new friends, deciding on their book buying options, and learning to manage
their time with classes, homework, and social activities. When new students are on
a plan with “unlimited meals,” they don’t have to worry about budgeting Dining Dollars.
Any student living in a residence hall that is not a “cooking building” is required
to select one of the resident meal plans offered by Campus Dining. This requirement
has been in place for many years, and it was established to avoid health and safety
issues in the residence halls.
The safety of our students is our number one concern. If students don’t have access
to a proper dining facility, they may rely on cooking appliances in their residence
hall rooms to prepare their meals. These appliances have been demonstrated to be fire
hazards as they can overheat and cause fires, endangering the lives of our students.
Another main concern is sanitation. We would like students to live in the utmost sanitary
conditions in the residence halls. The residence hall rooms do not have adequate facilities
to prepare food in sanitary conditions and allow for proper cleanup, which may cause
the presence of vermin as well as create insect infestations.
Although many buildings present cooking areas, these are meant for light cooking and
are not fitted to withstand high traffic.
Buildings that require a meal plan:
Buildings with Cooking Rooms (some rooms in these buildings might require a meal plan):
Students living in an on-campus apartment are not required to have a meal plan. Those
buildings include:
Commuters are not required to be on a meal plan but may choose from any resident plan,
as well as a variety of plans designed especially for them.
No, you will be placed on the same plan you selected in the fall. All meal plans selected
are ANNUAL (fall and spring) agreements. Changes and cancellations must be made in
writing to the FSA Services Office at
SBU Eats does its best to meet the needs of all their guests. If you have any special
dietary concerns, please feel free to visit our Campus Dining Dietitian for a FREE consultation. To set up a virtual appointment please call (631) 632-9979 or
visit the campus dining website.
For information regarding waivers and medical exemptions, please refer to the meal
plan terms and conditions.
If you are a Jewish student or someone who keeps kosher and wants access to Delancey Street, please reach out to Jessica Lemons, Executive Director of Stony Brook Hillel, at
For questions about financial aid eligibility and coverage, visit
Using My Plan (sick trays, takeout meals, guests, etc.)
Meal plans are loaded onto your Stony Brook University ID card, which works like a
debit card to keep track of your meal plan funds.
When you make a purchase at a dine-in or retail location, please hand the card to
the cashier and they will deduct a meal swipe or dining dollars from your account
as payment.
Dine-in (all-you-care-to-eat) locations accept meal swipes and dining dollars and
enable you to select entrees, sides, desserts, and beverages from any food platform
within the location.
Retail locations only accept dining dollars. All retail locations are à la carte.
Take-Out Meals with SBU Eats Goes Green Containers
Reusable SBU EATS Goes Green take-out containers can be picked up at East or West
Side Dine-In locations.
How it Works:
Let the cashier know you wish to use thetakeoutoption upon entry to the dine-in location.
Fill your container with food from East or West Side Dine-In to take on the go. Once you have filled up your takeout container and beverage cup you are required to leave the dining location. Takeout meals are not to be eaten in the dining areas.
After you eat your meal, rinse your container of any leftover food.
Deposit your UNSANITIZED container in a SBU Eats Goes Green Bin located at East or West Side dine-in.
Pick up a SANITIZED container at the register at East or West Side dine-in when using a take-out swipe.
The first container is FREE. Additional containers can be purchased at the register of the Dine-In locations for
$5 (Wolfie Wallet can be used).
Students on an unlimited meal plan can use two take-out meals per day.
If you are sick and cannot visit one of our dining locations, you can have a friend
do it for you. Get a Sick Tray Form from your RA or RHD. Have the form completed and
give it to a friend along with your ID card. Your friend will then be able to use
your card to pick up a meal for you. Be sure the form is completed with all of the
necessary signatures, or your card will be confiscated. This option is only available
for short-term illnesses. If you need this service for a longer period of time, contact
the FSA Services Office at 631-632-6517.
Unlimited meal plans include Guest Passes which can be used to swipe in a friend or
visiting family member. Guest passes may be used at Meal Swipe (Dine-In) locations
only. Guest passes do not roll over and expire at the end of each semester.
Yes! Dining Dollars may be used at Stony Brook University Hospital dining locations.
No. Meal Plan funds may only be used to purchase food and beverage items at on-campus
dining locations.
Patrons may purchase non-food items using credit/debit or Wolfie Wallet.
Managing My Account (changing plans, adding funds, lost cards, etc.)
Download the GET mobile app* on the Apple App Store or Google Play to add funds to your meal plan or Wolfie Wallet
account, check your balance, view your transaction history, and report a lost or stolen
card at any time, day or night. Log in using your Stony Brook University NetID and
NetID password.
The charge will be posted to your Student Account (able to be viewed in SOLAR under Student Financial Services).
Downgrades can be made during the two weeks following the first day Monday-Friday
classes begin. Upgrades can be made anytime throughout the semester. Please note that
during the first 2 weeks of the semester, downgrade requests made Saturday through
Thursday will take effect the following Friday.
The credit will be posted to your Student Account (able to be viewed in SOLAR under Student Financial Services).
Withdrawing from the University
Students who withdraw from the University will be billed a prorated portion of the
meal plan up to, and including, the official withdrawal date. Pro-rations are calculated
on a weekly basis.
Students who wish to cancel their meal plan because they have moved off-campus or
to a cooking building/area in the Residence Halls must notify the Meal Plan Office
either in writing to: or in person during office hours Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 5:00pm at Auxiliary
Services Association (ASA) Hub, Shop Red West (Melville Library, Lower Level), Stony
Brook, New York 11794-3395.
Campus Housing and Meal Plan
If you are a resident, you must contact and return your key to your Area Office within
48 hours of withdrawing. You are not permitted to remain in campus housing more than
48 hours after your withdrawal/leave of absence has been processed.
Housing charges and meal plan charges (for students in a room which requires the meal
plan) will be prorated based upon the date your key is officially returned and all
belongings are removed. No pro ration will be applied if your move-out is after the
last day of classes (day before reading day). If you are hospitalized and/or your
medical issue prevents you from coming to campus to return your key, please contact
the Dean of Students Office at (631) 632-7320 for assistance.
If you participate in a meal plan that is not mandatory, please cancel your plan by
contacting the Meal Plan Office at (631) 632-6517 after you move out. Your meal plan charge will be prorated based on the number of weeks the plan was
active and the dollar amount used. Return to housing is prioritized on a space-available basis only if you receive an
approved medical leave or military leave and return to housing on your first academic
semester back from leave. Housing is not guaranteed or prioritized for any other type
of leave.
There is an undergraduate semester withdrawal form.
Meal Swipes cannot be added to a meal plan, however, you may use Dining Dollars at
Meal Swipe locations should you run out of swipes, or upgrade to an unlimited meal plan.
If you are a resident student who is concerned about running out of meal swipes, we
recommend upgrading to an unlimited meal plan. You may upgrade at any time during the semester.
Dining Dollars roll over from Summer to Fall, Fall to Winter or Spring, but not to
Summer or the following academic year (Spring to Fall). The last day to use Dining Dollars is Spring Commencement. Remaining balances are
Meal Swipes, Guest Passes and Block Meals do NOT rollover from semester to semester.
Guest Meal Swipes may only be used at Meal Swipe (Dine-In) locations and are only
available to students on an unlimited plan.
If you lost your ID card, please visit the Stony Brook University Campus Card Office
at the Stony Brook Union, Suite 207.
To safeguard students’ meal plan accounts, cashiers are not permitted to key in ID
numbers without a photo ID. Lost cards must be replaced within 72 hours.
On a desktop device: in the Quick Links menu on the right of the page, click "I lost my card" and follow the prompts
On a mobile device: in the Quick Links menu towards the bottom of the page, click "I lost my card" and follow the prompts
On the GET Mobile app: tap Settings in the bottom menu and click "Report card as lost" and follow the prompts
NOTE: When you report your card lost, it will put a hold on all of your accounts (Meal
Plan and Wolfie Wallet).
Replacing Lost, Stolen or Damaged Campus ID Cards
In the event you need to replace your student ID card, please contact the Campus Card office.
If your ID card is lost, damaged, or no longer functions and is less than four years
old, a $25 replacement fee will apply. Please note that this fee will apply to cards
that do not appear visibly damaged, as the Campus Card Office cannot attest to what
stresses were placed on the card that caused it to malfunction. Our ID cards are designed
to last at least four years under normal use and conditions.
There will be no charge for a new ID card related to the following:
A name change
A title change
The first ID card issued
A replacement for an expired ID card related to employment
Wolfie Wallet
No. Wolfie Wallet is a campus prepaid declining balance debit account encoded on your
campus ID. It is a safe and convenient way to make food purchases from on- and off-campus
merchants, make purchases from campus stores and vending machines, mail packages in
the residential mailroom, and utilize print and copy services.
Yes. Send an email to to request the transfer of Wolfie Wallet funds to dining dollars.
With Meal Plans you save sales tax and receive a 10% discount at dine-in when using
dining dollars!
Waste reduction requires a commitment from both Campus Dining and the students. As
a campus community, we need to raise awareness, improve processes, and measure the
impact. It requires a combination of working with suppliers, managing the kitchen,
and making appropriate portions available so that less food is discarded. Reducing
food waste with better portion control and improved meal forecasting prevents waste
before it ever happens. This process, source reduction, is cited by the Environmental Protection Agency Food Recovery Hierarchy as the best way to prevent wasted food because these actions create the most benefit
for the environment, society and economy.