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Safe, Supported, Empowered


Information on reporting an incident to Stony Brook University.  Reporting sexual violence can be an important step in healing and in protecting yourself and others.


Reporting Options

If you are the victim of sexual violence, you are not alone.

OEA Sexual Misconduct Incident Report FormInformation on Reporting to Law Enforcement



Report to the Title IX Coordinator

Marjolie Leonard Coker, AVP OEA

Call OEA


Send an Email


Send A Fax


Paper Complaint

Complaint Procedure for Allegations of Discrimination

201 Administration Building
100 Nichols Avenue
Stony Brook, NY 11794


Is Walk-in Reporting Available?

OEA does not have a policy against taking verbal complaints from individuals who walk into our West Campus office at 201 Administration to report an incident.  We want every individual who may have experienced sexual violence or any other form of discrimination to reach out for help as soon as possible in whatever method is most comfortable for them.  We cannot guarantee, however, that the Title IX Coordinator or one of our investigators will always be available without an appointment.  Throughout the day our investigations team is often in meetings concerning other reported matters.  The best way to discuss an incident face-to-face is to file a complaint online or to file a complaint using one of the other options outlined above.  Within three business days, one of our team will schedule an appointment with you to discuss the matter.  If you feel  the matter must be discussed more urgently or if you are unable to use one of our other methods of reporting due to a disability or some other issue, you can call our office at 631.632.6280 to schedule an appointment and we will do our best to accommodate you.   If there is an ongoing emergency that you need to discuss immediately. you should contact University (333) or local police (911).   

We maintain an office in the University Hospital for the convenience of our east campus students and employees.  However, our East Campus office is by appointment only.  

Report to a Deputy Title IX Coordinator

Deputy Title IX Coordinators are university-wide contact points for those seeking information or reporting sexual harassment, misconduct, or violence. Their role is to inform complainants of their rights and options. The deputies communicate all Title IX-related information to the Title IX Coordinator. The deputies do not investigate, adjudicate, or sanction (unless that function is within their normal job duties, responsibilities). Deputy Coordinators are chosen by Stony Brook University's Assistant Vice President, Title IX, and ADA Coordinator, Marjolie Leonard Coker.  You may find your deputy here: https://www.stonybrook.edu/commcms/oea-sm-tix/_about/contact-us.php#view-deputies

Other SBU Reporting Options


Stony Brook University West Campus, Health Science Center, SBU Manhattan, and SBU Southampton
291A Administration

Stony Brook Hospital 

HSC Level 3 Room 040
(631) 444-3780

Long Island State Veterans Home


Stony Brook Union, Suite 209


631.632.6705 Phone

631.632.5757 Fax



Why we want everyone to report.


Reporting sexual misconduct can be an important step in taking back control while seeking support.  Reporting sexual misconduct is a personal decision and there is no right or wrong choice. You should make the decision the right for you and prioritize your well-being and safety.  Here are some reasons why you might consider reporting sexual misconduct:

  1. Prevention: Reporting sexual misconduct can help to protect yourself and other students and employees from any recurrence of this behavior.  As soon as OEA receives a report, when appropriate, we can take interim steps to prevent the risk of harm to other members of the University Community.
  2. Support: There are various ways that OEA can assist reporting individuals, including assistance with accessing medical and emotional support services, interim measures such as a no-contact directive or interim suspension, classroom and residence hall changes, and academic accommodations and support.  
  3. Accountability: Sexual misconduct is prohibited discriminatory behavior and a violation of the Stony Brook University Policy Manual and the Code of Student Responsibility.   Reporting sexual misconduct to OEA will begin a process designed to hold individuals who violate these policies accountable for their actions.  If Stony Brook University finds the individual violated sexual misconduct policies, it can take disciplinary action, up to and including suspension, termination, or expulsion.
  4. Advocacy: By reporting sexual misconduct, you are taking a stand that this behavior is not acceptable in our University community. This can have ripple effects that help create a safer and more supportive culture not only at Stony Brook University, but in the larger community and the world.


You have the right to make a report to University Police, local law enforcement and/or state police or choose not to report; to report the incident to the University, to be protected by the University from retaliation for reporting an incident; and to receive assistance and resources from the University.

N.Y. Educ. Law 129-B §6444 

Stony Brook offices and employees who cannot guarantee confidentiality will maintain your privacy to the greatest extent possible.  The information you provide to a non-confidential resource will be relayed only as necessary for the Title IX Coordinator to investigate and/or seek a resolution.

N.Y. Educ. Law § 129-B §6446

At Stony Brook University, we value all students, employees, and job candidates as unique individuals, and we welcome the variety of experiences they bring to our institution. As such, we have a strict non-discrimination policy. It is the policy of Stony Brook University not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, pregnancy, familial status, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age, genetic information, disability, protected veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by law.

Stony Brook University Notice of Non-Discrimination