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Assessment Coordinators

Each academic program at Stony Brook University has a designated assessment coordinator, who is selected/appointed by their program. These individuals serve as a liaision between the program and the Office of Educational Effectiveness to facilitate the program assessment process.  Assessment coordinators may be faculty or staff members, and programs may choose to appoint primary and secondary assessment coordinators. 

Assessment Coordinator Role & Responsibilities

The SBU Assessment Council developed a detailed description of the role and responsibilities of an assessment coordinator. Their primary responsibilities include: 

  • Participation in relevant assessment workshops and events hosted by OEE;
  • Correspondence with OEE on behalf of the program through email, phone, and in-person or zoom meetings, as needed;
  • Collaboration with program faculty and staff to create and document a comprehensive program assessment plan to measure student learning;
  • Assist OEE to identify participants for assessment initiatives (Ex: General Education assessment participants);
  • Ensure timely submission of annual program assessment reporting requirements.

Assessment Coordinators are encouraged to stay in close communication with the Office of Educational Effectiveness. Our staff is here to support you with the academic program assessment process through one-on-one, small group, or program/departmental consultation at your convenience. 

List of Assessment Coordinators by Program


Assessment Coordinators' Words of Wisdom

Looking for some assessment inspiration? Hear what your fellow assessment coordinators had to say about keeping the assessment processes manageable and meaningful, or read the video transcript.