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School & College Assessment

Schools and Colleges participate in the assessment process through holistic review of their academic programs and administrative services. Assessment at this level generally relates to the ability of the School or College to achieve its mission and overarching goals. 

School and College Assessment

Schools and Colleges participate in the assessment process through an annual, high-level, reflective report on how their departments and academic programs accomplish their stated mission, vision, and values. As a part of this process, Schools and Colleges provide an overview of the relevant processes for developing and refining learning outcomes and assessment strategies. Using the academic program assessment reports from their unit, Schools and Colleges also provide a summary of themes and key action items from assessment results, and any specific changes or improvements made in response to those results. Specifically, Schools and Colleges are encouraged to comment on the changes made to budgetary and/or resource allocations as a result of the assessment process. 

School/College Assessment Report Template

School and College Mission Statements

Each School or College has a unique mission statement that defines its role within the institution and describes how its departments, degree programs, faculty, staff and students contribute to achieving and advancing Stony Brook University's mission. Click below for the current list of mission statements for each School or College.