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Gender Inclusive Housing Communities

Gender Inclusive Housing (GIH) is a housing option in which two or more students share a corridor style bedroom, suite, and/or apartment regardless of the students' sex, gender identity or gender expression. In other words, this option allows for students of any gender identity to live together regardless of sex assigned at birth.

Gender Inclusive Housing is not recommended or intended for: living with significant others, only specific people, and/or to get to a specific location within housing. Choosing to live in GIH is an agreement for the whole year, and you will not be permitted to change to a non-GIH space after being approved. Similarly, if you do not choose to live in GIH for the upcoming year, you will only be able to choose rooms based on the gender identity listed on your student record. Those interested can sign up for GIH during active housing application sign-up periods. If the sign-up period has passed, the applicant can submit an appeal requesting to join GIH using the Housing Appeals section in the housing portal. An appeal is also used to request to move out of GIH into traditional gender-designated housing.   

If you are interested, you will need to review and agree to all items listed below in your housing application or appeal.

  • I understand choosing to live in Gender Inclusive Housing means I will have roommates and/or suitemates of any gender identities.
  • I understand that the only options I will have access to are gender-inclusive spaces and that I am committed to living in GIH for the academic year.    
  • I understand that only people who have been approved for the Gender Inclusive Housing environment will be allowed to move into my space.    
  • I understand that if I live in GIH with the plan to live with a specific person, and that person leaves the space, the room will be filled by only individuals who are GIH approved.    
  • I affirm and feel comfortable living with LGBTQ* people, specifically trans and non-binary people.    
  • I understand my role in creating and affirming a bias-free environment for everyone living in this community.   

For more information, please contact:

Campus Residences at (631) 632 - 6750 or at

LGBTQ* Services at (631) 632 - 1690 or at


Gender Designated Housing

Students not participating in Gender Inclusive Housing room assignments are housed based on their gender of record in SOLAR.