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2023-2024  Student Life Awards Winners

The Jerrold L. Stein Student Life Awards for Excellence in Student Leadership and Campus Involvement is an annual celebration of the exceptional students, organizations, and advisors at Stony Brook University.

Congratulations to the winners of the 2023-2024 Student Life Awards! Thank you to those who contributed toward making this ceremony a  success. 

Student Life Awards

Student Program Awards

 Social Program Award: Honors an event that promoted a sense of community and engagement across a broad subset of the campus population, and had a significant impact on the campus community.

     2024 Winner:  Asian Student Alliance - Fashion Show

Educational Program Award: Honors a creative program that promotes greater awareness of an existing academic, political, or social issue through educational efforts that enhance student learning and provide a meaningful exchange of ideas.

     2024 Winner: VIP BEAR Program, Origami Club & SEA - Hallo Steam Spooky Brook Craft Night

Diversity & Inclusion Program Award: Honors an event that promoted cross-cultural learning and interaction, appealed to a broad audience, and provided a meaningful exchange of ideas

     2024 Winner:  History Club, DICE & CCJ - John Lewis: Good Trouble- Movie, Dinner and Discussion

Collaborative Program Award: Honors a program hosted with at least one other recognized organization or campus department that demonstrates effective teamwork and collaboration amongst sponsoring organizations, and had a significant impact on the campus community.

      2024 Winner:  South Asian Student Alliance - SASA's-giving

Program of the Year: Honors a program that has had a positive impact on the overall Stony Brook community. This award recognizes a program that embodied the SBU spirit of inclusiveness and school pride, and promoted a community of awesome.

     2024 Winner: Pokémon Go Club - Pokébash

Student Leader Awards

Advocacy Leadership Award: Honors a student who has demonstrated strong leadership in generating campus wide awareness about existing social issues and advocated for change in the community.

     2024 Winners: Vignesh Subramanian &  Lucy Gordon

Peter Baigent Recreational & Leadership Activities Leadership Award: Honors a student for their outstanding leadership in creating a unique community space on campus for students to express themselves focusing on a particular hobby, passion or interest, while allowing stduents to find community they might not be able to find elsewhere on campus.

     2024 Winner: Jared Tjahjadi

Community Service Leadership Award: Honors a student who has shown an unwavering dedication to servant leadership and a commitment to generating awareness of comunity based issues beyond the borders of our campus. 

     2024 Winner: Elizabeth Argiro

Civic Engagement Leadership Award: Honors a student who has devoted significant time and effort to civic eduation, civic justice or civility issues and has shown a committment to generating awareness of civic- and civility-based issues on or off campus

     2024 Winner: Anastasia Poulos

Emerging Leadership Award: Honors a freshman or sophomore student who has taken on leadership roles and has demonstrated significant progress towards achieving their leadership potential through campus and community involvement.

     2024 Winners: Kloey Kun & Asude Tastan

Organizational Leadership Award: Honors non-executive board members of recognized organizations who go above and beyond the call of duty in an effort to enhance the purpose of their organization.

     2024 Winners: Brandon Yu & Eunice Park

Executive Board Member the Year:Honors a member of an executive board of a recognized organization who has gone beyond the call of duty to enhance the purpose of their organization be it through acquiring new skills, membership engagement, leadership development, cross-campus collaboration, and relationship building.

     2024 Winners: Rachel Leong & Maria Zozulya

Theresa Montenaro 200% Student Leadership Award: Throughout her 20 years as a custodian in the Stony Brook Union, Theresa Montenaro was committed to providing a caring and safe environment for all students, faculty, and staff. This award honors a junior or senior student leader who goes beyond the call of duty, regularly gives 200%, and exemplifies  Theresa Montenaro’s unique qualities, which include the ability to listen with understanding, guide without boundaries, give and take with love, and grow with each passing day. 

     2024 Winners: Mary Rozensky & Tanisa Rahman

Elizabeth D. Couey Award: This award was esablished in 1974 in memory of the first Director of the Stony Brook Union and is awarded for outstanding contributions towards the omprovement and growth of stduent life at Stony Brook. Elizabeth D. Couey Award was established in 1974 in memory of the first Director of the Stony Brook Union and honors a graduating senior for outstanding contributions toward the improvement and growth of student life at Stony Brook. Nominees for this award must be undergradute student leaders of senior standing (expected graduation date of May, August, or December 2020), with a cumulative G.P.A. of 2.75 of higher, in good standing with the University.

     2024 Winner: Zaya Daniel

Student Organization Awards

Advisor of the Year Award: Honors a faculty or staff member who has served as an advisor to a student club or organization. This advisor is involved with the student leaders offers knowledge and experience to the organization, and provides assistance and support on an ongoing basis.

     2024 Winner: Isobel Breheny-Schafer

Best New Organization Award: Honors a student organization that newly registered within the past 12 months and is dedicated to student life. This organization takes the initiative to make the organization visible on campus, has grown in membership since its recognition, and shows potential for continued growth and success on our campus.

     2024 Winner: Fujianese Culture Club

Most Improved Organization Award:Honors an organization that has shown significant, meaningful and lasting growth and development in areas such as programming, leadership and organizational management.

     2024 Winner: Women in Business

Campus Community Impact Award The Campus Community Impact Award is presented to an organization that is committed to engaging the student population in programming and initiatives that are impactful, lasting and generate a sense of community, pride, inclusivity and engagement. 

     2024 Winner: Cat Network

Social Media Engagement Award: Honors an organization that has sucessfully utilized one or more social media platforms, and whose social media content promotes engagement through a variety of innovative methods.

     2024 Winner: Taiwanese Student Association

Organization of the Year Award: Honors an organization that has made a significant effort to further its purpose through its contribution to Stony Brook and/or the community at large. This award recognizes the student organization that has demonstrated consistent flexibility, initiative, creativity and perseverance through their activities and programs, and has contributed signficiantly toward the groth of its members.

     2024 Winner: Stony Brook Student Nurses' Association


Undergraduate Student Government Awards

Student Community Advocate of the Year: Rex Alex

Continuing Leadership: Zaya Daniel

Unsung Hero: Evelyn Savchenko & Donna Kim