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About Us


Our Aspiration

To transform the co-curricular experience for every Seawolf to succeed.


Our Purpose for Being

The mission of the Office of Student Life is to foster a caring, supportive and vibrant campus community that transforms students' lives. We create opportunities for students to engage, learn and connect by providing platforms, programs, spaces, and support systems that connect them to each other, the wider campus community and the world beyond. We cultivate a community ethos where each student is and feels valued in all of their identities and experiences that make them unique members of our community. We advocate for our students and craft structures for them to reach uncommon heights and change the world. 

Core Values and Guiding Principles

Why We Do What We Do

Students at the Center
We deeply respect and value our students as learners and as individuals, remembering that they are the core of our community, the source of our inspiration. We fully look to help foster and support their own journey to their personal, professional, and academic growth. 

Organizational Wellness
Our organization is at its best when our team members are at their best. We encourage our people to bring their whole selves to this work: their diverse lived experiences, identities and needs and honor their wisdom, voices and insight. We invest in our team’s development, cultivate a safe work environment where they feel that they belong and support staff as they navigate the various joys and challenges of life. 

Inclusion and Belonging 
We respect, validate and value our individual differences and realize that we are bound together as a community by our shared set of interests, purpose, principles and pursuits. We sow seeds of personal discovery and community connection to create the conditions where all students feel they belong. 

Pursuit of Excellence
We strive for excellence and integrity in our pursuit of student and operation development and success. We leverage innovation, courage and creativity to move beyond the status quo while staying disciplined, strategic, honest and intentional about our programs, services, systems and resource allocation. 

Collaboration & Partnerships
We recognize the importance of individual and organizational partnerships and understand that excellence is most often the result of minds, hearts, and energy acting in synergy. We value our responsibility as a partner and commit to fulfilling our role with distinction. 

Brand Personality

How We Do What We Do

High Energy:  Infusing Campus Life with enthusiasm and spirit of possibility.

Creative:  Ideas, connections, and inspiration are born from a rich mix of programs, personalities, cultures, and perspectives.

Inviting:  Cultivating a community where varying perspectives are welcome.

Principled:  Acting with students wellbeing in mind for success.