J-1 Visiting Scholars
- Hosting J-1's
Host Department ResponsibilitiesAs the Hosting Department of a J-1 Student Intern or Scholar, you have certain responsibilities to uphold.
Notify VIS of any changesNotify Visa and Immigration Services in advance of any changes in the terms or conditions of the EV's program. This includes:
- Changes in site(s) of activity.
- Employment or payment not listed on the DS-2019.
- Early completion/departure.
- Any leave of absence (paid or unpaid) including those required to accommodate a medical condition or family medical leave.
- Requests for extension or transfer should be submitted at least 30 days in advance.
Notify VIS of any emergency within 24 hoursNotify VIS in the event of an emergency involving any Exchange Visitor (J-1 or J-2 family members), as well as any information that you receive about the Exchange Visitor that might represent a possible threat to their safety, security, welfare, or general well-being.
U.S Department of State requires notification within 24 hours.
Reportable incidents include:
- Death
- Missing person
- Serious illness or injury (hospitalization for more than 48 hours)
- Litigation
- Incidents involving the criminal justice system
- Sexually-related incidents or allegations of abuse
- Negative press involving SBU's EV program
- Foreign government involvement
- Other situations impacting safety (natural disasters, civil unrest, outbreaks of violence)
- Any activity that could bring the university, Research Foundation, or U.S. Department of State Exchange Visitor Program into disrepute.
Ensure your J-1s have proper employment authorizationJ-1 Exchange Visitors must have specific written approval from VIS for any employment on or off campus. Unauthorized employment may result in termination from the exchange program. Under federal law, certain volunteer activities may be construed to be employment. Please check with VIS if you have any questions about content and scope of permissible work.
Inform your EV of the requirements of their program- Inform the EV of health insurance requirements and their responsibility of premium payments.
- J-1 and J-2 Exchange Visitors are required to file tax documents with the Internal Revenue Service for each tax reporting period they are present in the U.S. Some may also need to file state tax forms. The exchange visitor is responsible for ensuring that they meet tax requirements.
Ensure your EV is properly prepared for their program- Ensure that the EV has appropriate academic credentials for their category and for their position.
- Confirm that the J-1 visa program will not be used for tenure-track or tenured faculty appointments.
- Provide adequate office space and support to the EV for the duration of their program at Stony Brook University.
- J-1 Student Interns
J-1 Student Intern RequestA J-1 Student Intern is a foreign national who is currently enrolled in and pursuing studies at a degree- or certificate-granting post-secondary institution outside the U.S. and whose U.S. internship will fulfill the educational objectives of their current degree program.
The J intern program is intended to allow such individuals to develop practical skills in the U.S. that will enhance their future careers and foster ongoing collaboration among the intern’s home institution, entities in the intern’s home country, and U.S. institutions and entities.
EligibilityAll foreign nationals that are current students in another country and are coming to SBU to fulfill educational objectives of their current degree program MUST be considered J-1 Interns.
DurationThe maximum duration of a J internship is 12 months and may not be extended.
Application deadlinesFall semester: June 15
Spring semester: October 15
Summer session I and I/II: March 15
Summer session II: April 15It is required that student intern requests are submitted by the above deadlines to ensure arrival by the start of each term. Internship program start dates must coincide with the academic semester calendar.
Course enrollmentAll J-1 Student Interns are required to register for an associated 1 credit Research/Internship course for each term(s) that correspond with the internship program.
English language proficiencyAs per SBU policy, J-1 Student Interns are required to meet the same language proficiency requirements as all other SBU students. A minimum 80 TOEFL IBT or 6.5 IELTS is required.
AdmissionAll J-1 Intern requests in accessVIS will be automatically routed to the appropriate admitting office (Graduate School or IAP) for review. The admitting offices will verify the degree qualifications and language proficiency. J-1 Interns must be admitted as visiting non-matriculated students.
Financial requirementsView financial requirements here.
J-1 Student Intern Application Process
Step 1: Login to accessVISThe Department Administrator must click the Administrative Services for University Departments link on accessVIS and sign in using their netID and passwordStep 2: Begin the J-1 Student Intern Request form- Expand the Scholar & Faculty Services window (located on left menu bar), and select J-1 Student Intern Request.
- Enter the prospective Exchange Visitor’s (EV) Stony Brook ID# and date of birth.
Step 3: Submit the Student Intern Program Details formThe Department Administrator is asked to provide basic information regarding the proposed activity and the visitor’s Primary Faculty/Principal Investigator (PI). Depending on the prospective Student Intern’s appointment, the following documents may be required:
- Student Intern's Invitation Letter View Sample Letter
- Employment Letter (if appointed to State/Research Foundation payroll)
- Personnel Requisition (if appointed to payroll)
- Letter of Support/Clearance from Partnering Institution (if applicable)
Upon submission of the Student Intern Program Details form, the Student Intern’s supervisor will receive an email requesting details pertaining to the activity or activities of the proposed Student Intern.
Step 3: Submit the Chair's Compliance Agreement formVisa & Immigration Services is responsible for ensuring departmental and institutional compliance with J-1 regulations. Submission of this form will trigger an email to the Department Chair requesting his/her certification of the host departments’ understanding and willingness to comply with J-1 regulations.
Additionally, submission of the Compliance Agreement form will trigger the first email to the prospective Student Intern informing them that a J-1 Student Intern Request has been initiated on their behalf, and requesting they log into accessVIS to complete the following forms:
- Biographical Information
- Student Intern Credentials
- Dependent Spouse/Child (if applicable)
- Proof of Financial Eligibility
Step 4: Screening against Deemed Export ControlsVIS will initiate communication to the Office of Research Compliance requesting the prospective EV be screened against Deemed Export Controls. Such screening is necessary to ensure that neither the J applicant nor the home institution/employer has been designated as a denied or restricted party under U.S. law, and that the visitor’s proposed agenda complies with additional relevant federal laws.Step 5: The J-1 Student Intern Request is reviewedOnce screened, the Department Administrator will be notified that the proposed Exchanged Visitor's J-1 Scholar Request is under review by Visa & Immigration Services.
Please allow 10 business days for review.
If the J-1 Student Intern category is deemed most appropriate for the activities associated with the proposed Exchange Visitor visit, the DS-2019 and DS-7002 will be issued and the department administrator contacted to collect the necessary documents from VIS. The host department is responsible for shipping the materials to the prospective scholar.
If the J-1 Scholar/Researcher category is deemed most appropriate for the activities associated with the proposed EV’s visit, additional information is required. The department will receive an email from VIS instructing them to login to accessVIS to submit the J-1 Scholar Request.
- J-1 Scholars
J-1 Scholar RequestThe J-1 Visa is for exchange visitors who are invited to the U.S. for a program with a specific objective and temporary length of stay and whose proposed primary activity will involve research, teaching, lecturing, observing, consulting, or receiving training.
EligibilityJ-1 exchange visitors will be placed in one of the following categories depending on the purpose of their visit and the level of their credentials.
- Research Scholar
- Professor
- Short-Term Scholar
- Specialist
- Student Intern
Typically J-1 Scholars have at least a Master's degree, and those in the J-1 Student Intern category must have some college level work.
Required Lead TimeEmployers should initiate the request at least 2-3 months before the desired start date.
J-1 Scholar Application Process
Step 1: Confirm the EV has an Employee IDConfirm the prospective Exchange Visitor (EV) has an Empl ID (Stony Brook ID#) in PeopleSoft. If creating the ID, allow 24-hours for the profile to be updated in accessVIS before initiating the request.
Step 2: Check that all information in PeopleSoft is correctEnsure that the Exchange Visitor’s date of birth, email address, and citizenship (must indicate “Alien Temporary”) are correct in PeopleSoft - incorrect information will affect the EV’s ability to login.
Step 3: Login to accessVISThe Department Administrator must click the Administrative Services for University Departments link on accessVIS and sign in using their netID and password
Step 4: Begin the J-1 Scholar Request form- Expand the Scholar & Faculty Services window (located on left menu bar), and select J-1 Scholar Request.
- Enter the prospective Exchange Visitor’s (EV) Stony Brook ID# and date of birth.
Step 5: Submit the Program & Activity Details formDepartment Administrator is asked to provide basic information regarding the proposed activity, compensation and the visitor’s Primary Faculty/Principal Investigator (PI). Depending on the prospective Exchange Visitor (EV) appointment, the following documents may be required:
- Employment Letter (if appointed to State/Research Foundation payroll)
- Personnel Requisition (if appointed to payroll)
- Non-Salaried Appointment Letter, click here for template (if applicable)
- Letter of Support/Clearance from Partnering Institution (if applicable)
Upon submission of the Program & Activity Details form, the visitor’s supervisor will receive an email requesting details pertaining to the activity or activities of the proposed Exchange Visitor.
Step 6: Submit the Chair's Compliance Agreement formVisa & Immigration Services is responsible for ensuring departmental and institutional compliance with J-1 regulations. Submission of this form will trigger an email to the Department Chair requesting his/her certification of the host departments’ understanding, and willingness to comply with J-1 regulations.
Additionally, submission of the Compliance Agreement form will trigger the first email to the prospective Exchange Visitor informing them that the J-1 Scholar Request has been initiated on their behalf, and requesting they log into accessVIS to complete the following forms:
- Biographical Information
- Dependent Spouse/Child (if applicable)
- Exchange Visitor Proof of Financial Eligibility
Step 7: Screening against Deemed Export ControlsVIS will initiate communication to the Office of Research Compliance requesting the prospective EV be screened against Deemed Export Controls. Such screening is necessary to ensure that neither the J applicant nor the home institution/employer has been designated as a denied or restricted party under U.S. law, and that the visitor’s proposed agenda complies with additional relevant federal laws.
Step 8: The J-1 Scholar Request is reviewedOnce screened, the Department Administrator will be notified that proposed Exchanged Visitor's J-1 Scholar Request is under review by Visa & Immigration Services.
Please allow 10 business days for review.
If the J-1 Scholar/Researcher category is deemed most appropriate for the activities associated with the proposed Exchange Visitor request, the DS-2019 will be issued and the department administrator contacted to collect the necessary documents from VIS. The host department is responsible for shipping the materials to the prospective scholar.
If the J-1 Student Intern category is deemed most appropriate for the activities associated with the proposed EV’s visit, additional information is required. The department will receive an email from VIS instructing them to login to accessVIS to submit the J-1 Student Intern Request instead.
- For step-by-step instructions on initiating the J-1 Scholar Request, click here.
- For information on J-1 categories, click to view our J-1 Exchange Visitor Categories & Application Process workshop.