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J-1 Visiting Scholars

  • Hosting J-1's

    Host Department Responsibilities

    As the Hosting Department of a J-1 Student Intern or Scholar, you have certain responsibilities to uphold.

    Notify VIS of any changes
    Notify VIS of any emergency within 24 hours
    Ensure your J-1s have proper employment authorization
    Inform your EV of the requirements of their program
    Ensure your EV is properly prepared for their program
  • J-1 Student Interns

    J-1 Student Intern Request

    A J-1 Student Intern is a foreign national who is currently enrolled in and pursuing studies at a degree- or certificate-granting post-secondary institution outside the U.S. and whose U.S. internship will fulfill the educational objectives of their current degree program.

    The J intern program is intended to allow such individuals to develop practical skills in the U.S. that will enhance their future careers and foster ongoing collaboration among the intern’s home institution, entities in the intern’s home country, and U.S. institutions and entities.  

    Application deadlines
    Course enrollment
    English language proficiency
    Financial requirements

    J-1 Student Intern Application Process

    Step 1: Login to accessVIS
    Step 2: Begin the J-1 Student Intern Request form
    Step 3: Submit the Student Intern Program Details form
    Step 3: Submit the Chair's Compliance Agreement form
    Step 4: Screening against Deemed Export Controls
    Step 5: The J-1 Student Intern Request is reviewed


  • J-1 Scholars

    J-1 Scholar Request

    The J-1 Visa is for exchange visitors who are invited to the U.S. for a program with a specific objective and temporary length of stay and whose proposed primary activity will involve research, teaching, lecturing, observing, consulting, or receiving training. 

    Required Lead Time

    J-1 Scholar Application Process

    Step 1: Confirm the EV has an Employee ID
    Step 2: Check that all information in PeopleSoft is correct
    Step 3: Login to accessVIS
    Step 4: Begin the J-1 Scholar Request form
    Step 5: Submit the Program & Activity Details form
    Step 6: Submit the Chair's Compliance Agreement form
    Step 7: Screening against Deemed Export Controls
    Step 8: The J-1 Scholar Request is reviewed