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Dear Writing Community,

The Southampton Writers Conference, Children’s Literature Conference and BookEnds program denounce the anti-Asian, Asian American and AAPI violence in our country. We are heartbroken and angered by the rise of anti-AAPI rhetoric and physical attacks which have increased dramatically since the start of the pandemic.

As a community designed to bolster writers, we continue to work to ensure our programs will be a safe space for writers of all races, ethnicities, and nationalities. Our programs stand in solidarity with Stony Brook University and the larger writing community in condemning these acts of hate.

If you have experienced or witnessed a hate crime, please report it to your local police department. 

If you are a Stony Brook University student and are in immediate danger contact University Police at 333 from a campus phone or 631-632-3333. Otherwise, if you need to report an incident of hate or discrimination you can visit ReportIt for detailed instructions or visit the Office of Equity and Inclusion.

Here are a few additional resources and helpful links: 

Anti-Asian Violence Statement from President McInnis

SBU Non-Discrimination Statement from President McInnis

Asian Americans Advancing Justice

Harvard: Statement on Asian and AAPI COVID-19 Related Harassment and Resources

I Am Not A Virus

Anti-Asian Violence Resources

If you are looking to read more by Asian American writers, this piece from Electric Literature is a great first step. You can also connect with Asian American Writers Workshop (AAWW) and Kundiman among others.


Christian McLean

Director, Southampton Writers Conference


Susan Scarf Merrell

Director, Book Ends


Emma Walton Hamilton

Director, Children’s Literature Fellows Program

Executive Director, Young Artists and Writers Project