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DHS Chemical Security

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) regulates approximately 320 Chemicals of Interest (COI). Stony Brook University must comply with these security regulations for all Nitric Acid used and stored on campus. These regulations also require SBU to ensure that the quantities of other COI are below threshold limits. This is accomplished by all areas completing the DHS Regulated Chemical Inventory.

In order to comply with these federal regulations, you are required to:

  • Control Access - Restrict access to known individuals. Nitric acid must be stored in a locked cabinet. The cabinet must be secured to the wall, floor or other cabinets so that it cannot be removed. If you do not have a locking cabinet immediately available to you, you must ensure that your lab or area is kept locked ( including all interior doors to other labs, offices or chaseways) when it is occupied.

  • Maintain Inventory - Know where it is going
  • Reporting - Unaccounted stock and annual inventory
  • Training - for all Nitric Acid users.

See the Nitric Acid Security Plan for details on implementing all of these steps.

Use this handout as a checklist to ensure your lab is in compliance.

While this policy applies specifically to Nitric Acid, it is recommended that all chemicals on the DHS list within your possession be controlled in the same manner. The DHS is authorized by federal regulation to inspect facilities for compliance with various security requirements, and we expect that they will pay a visit to Stony Brook to ensure compliance.

The resources below provide information and guidance in attaining compliance with the DHS regulation. All areas will need to:

  1. Review the list of regulated chemicals,
  2. Perform a physical inventory using the worksheet provided, and
  3. Report using the Stony Brook DHS Regulated Chemical Inventory Database, even if they do not possess any of the listed chemicals.

See the links below for more information.

nitric acid lock

An acceptable lock for nitric acid.

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