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2008 Fall Publications from the Department of Ecology and Evolution
- Keith, D.A, H.R. Akcakaya, W. Thuiller, G.F. Midgley, R.G. Pearson, S.J. Phillips, H.M. Regan, M.B. Araujo, T.G. Rebelo. 2008. Predicting extinction risks under climate change: coupling stochastic population models with dynamic bioclimatic habitat models. Biology Letters 4:560-563.
- Mace, G.M., N. Collar, K.J. Gaston, C. Hilton-Taylor, H.R. Akcakaya, N. Leader-Williams, E.J. Milner-Gulland and S.N. Stuart. 2008. Quantification of extinction risk: IUCN's system for classifying threatened species. Conservation Biology 22:1424-1442.
- Akcakaya, H.R. and B.W. Brook. 2008. Methods for determining viability of wildlife populations in large landscapes. Pages 449-471 in: Models for Planning Wildlife Conservation in Large Landscapes. J.J. Millspaugh and F.R. Thompson, III (editors). Elsevier/Academic Press, Burlington, MA.
- Akcakaya, H.R., J. D. Stark, and T. S. Bridges (editors). 2008. Demographic Toxicity: Methods in Ecological Risk Assessment. Oxford University Press, New York.
- ABaillie, J.E.M., B. Collen, R. Amin, H.R. Akcakaya, S.H.M. Butchart, N. Brummitt, T.R. Meagher, M. Ram, C. Hilton-Taylor, and G.M. Mace. 2008. Towards monitoring global biodiversity. Conservation Letters 1:18-26.
- Nomakuchi, S., P. J. Park, and M. A. Bell. Correlation between exploration activity and use of social information in threespine sticklebacks. Behavioral Ecology. In press.
- Aguirre, W. E., K. E. Ellis, M. Kusenda, and M. A. Bell. 2008. Phenotypic variation and sexual dimorphism in anadromous threespine stickleback: implications for postglacial adaptive radiation. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. 95:465-478.
- Hunt, G., M. A. Bell, and M.P. Travis. 2008. Evolution toward a new adaptive optimum: phenotypic evolution in a fossil stickleback lineage. Evolution 62:700-710. (doi:10:1111/j.1558-5646.2007.00310.x)
- Arif, S., W. E. Aguirre, and M. A. Bell. Evolutionary diversification of operculum shape in Cook Inlet threespine stickleback. Biol. J. Linn. Soc. In press.
- Bell, M. A., J. D. Stewart and P. J. Park. The world’s oldest fossil threespine stickleback. Copeia. In press.
- Dávalos, L.M., A. C. Bejarano, and H. L. Correa. 2008. Disabusing cocaine: Pervasive myths and enduring realities of a globalised commodity. International Journal of Drug Policy.
- Dávalos, L.M., and A. Corthals. 2008. A new species of Lonchophylla (Chiroptera: Phyllostomidae) from the eastern Andes of northwestern South America. American Museum Novitates 3635, 1-16.
- Stoebel, D. M., A. M.Dean, D.E. Dykhuizen. 2008. The cost of expression of Escherichia coli lac operon proteins is in the process, not the products. Genetics 178:1653-1660.
- Dykhuizen, D. E., D. Brisson, S. Sandigursky, G. P. Wormser, J. Nowakowski, R. B. Nadelman, and I. Schwartz. 2008. The propensity of different Borrelia burgdorferi sensu stricto genotypes to cause disseminated infections in humans. Am. J. Tropical Med Hygiene 78:806-810.
- Catherine H. Graham and Paul V. A. Fine. 2008. Phylogenetic beta diversity: linking ecological and evolutionary processes across space in time. Ecology Lteers, 11:1265-1277.
- J. Gurevitch, T.G. Howard, I.W. Ashton, E.A. Leger, K.M. Howe, E. Woo and M. Lerdau. 2008. Effects of experimental manipulation of light and nutrients on establishment of seedlings of native and invasive woody species in Long Island, NY forests. Biological Invasions 10: 821-831.
- Lachance, J. 2008. A Fundamental Relationship Between Genotype Frequencies and Fitnesses Genetics 180:1087-93
- Levinton, J.S. 2008. The Cambrian Explosion: How Do We Use the Evidence? BioScience 58: 855-864
- Levinton, J.S., Pochron, S.T. 2008. Temporal and geographic trends in mercury concentrations in muscle tissue in five species of Hudson Rive, USA, fish. Envrionmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 27: 1691-97.
- Bossdorf, O., C. Richards and M. Pigliucci. 2008. Epigenetics for ecologists. Ecology Letters 11: 106-115.
- Pigliucci, M. 2008. The borderlands between science and philosophy: an introduction. Quarterly Review of Biology 83(1): 7-15.
- Pigliucci, M. 2008. Is evolvability evolvable? Nature Reviews Genetics 9: 75-82.
- Pigliucci, M. Okasha's Evolution and the Levels of Selection: toward a broader conception of evolutionary biology. Biology & Philosophy. In press.
- Pigliucci, M. Sewall Wright's adaptive landscapes: 1932 vs. 1988. Biology & Philosophy. In press.
- Pigliucci, M. What, if anything, is an evolutionary novelty? Philosophy of Science. In press.
- Richards, C., R. L. Walls, J. P. Bailey, R. Parameswaran, T. George and M. Pigliucci. 2008. Plasticity in salt tolerance traits allows for invasion of novel habitat by Japanese Knotweed s.l. (Fallopia japonica and F. x bohemica, Polygonaceae). American Journal of Botany 95(8): 931-942.
- Bossdorf, O. and M. Pigliucci. Plasticity to wind is modular and genetically variable in Arabidopsis thaliana. Evolutionary Ecology. In press.
- Przeslawski R., Bourdeau P.E., Doall M.H.,, Pan J., Perino L., Padilla D.K. 2008. The effects of a harmful alga on bivalve larval lipid stores. Harmful Algae 7:802-807.
- Perino L.L., Padilla D.K., Doall M.H. 2008. Testing the accuracy of morphological identification of northern quahog larvae. Journal of Shellfish Research 27:1081-1085.
- Doall, M.H., Padilla, D.K., Lobue, C.P., Clapp, C., Webb, A.R., Hornstein, J. 2008. Evaluating northern quahog (= hard clam, Mercenaria mercenaria L.) restoration: are transplanted clams spawning and reconditioning? Journal of Shellfish Research 27(5):1069-1080.
- M.E. Bradley, J.S. Rest, W.H. Li, and N.B. Schwartz. Sulfate Activation Enzymes: Phylogeny and Association with Pyrophosphatase. J. Mol. Evol. (2008).
- Amaral, Ana R., M. Manuela Coelho, Jesús Marugán-Lobón and F. James Rohlf. 2008. Geometric morphometric analysis of cranial shape in closely related delphinid cetacean species: an evolutionary approach: Evolutionary morphology the skull in delphinids on the basis of geometric morphometric procedures. Zoology, 112:38-47.
- Harcourt-Smith, W. H. E., M. Tallman, S. R. Frost, D. F. Wiley, F. J. Rohlf, E. Delson. 2008. Analysis of selected hominoid joint surfaces using laser scanning and geometric morphometrics: a preliminary report. Pp.373-383 in E. J. Sargis and M. Dagosto (eds.) Mammalian Evolutionary Morphology: A Tribute to Frederick S. Szalay. Springer: Dordrecht.
- Valentin, A. E., X. Penin, J.-P. Chanut, J.-M. Sévigny, and F. J. Rohlf. 2008. Arching effect on fish body shape in geometric morphometric studies. J. of Fish Biology, 73:623-638.
- Jeong, S., Rebeiz. M., Andolfatto, P., Werner, T., True, J.R., and Carroll, S.B. 2008. The evolution of gene regulation underlies the morphological divergence of two closely related Drosophila species. Cell 132: 783-703.
- True, J.R. 2008. Combing evolution. Evol Dev. 10:400-402.
- Yukilevich, R. and J.R. True. 2008. African morphology, behavior and phermones underline incipient sexual isolation between US and Caribbean Drosophila melanogaster. Evolution 62: 2807-2828.
- Yukilevich, R., Lachance, J., Aoki, F., True, J. R. 2008 Long-term evolution of epistatic genetic networks. Evolution 62:2215-2235.
- Yukilevich R, True J.R. 2008 Incipient sexual isolation among cosmopolitan Drosophila melanogaster populations. Evolution 62:2112-21.