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2017 Fall Publications from the Department of Ecology and Evolution

  • Keith, D.A., H.R. Akçakaya, N.J. Murray. in press. Scaling range sizes to threats for robust predictions of risks to biodiversity. Conservation Biology, doi:10.1111/cobi.12988.

  • Akçakaya, H.R., D.A. Keith, M. Burgman, S.H.M. Butchart, M. Hoffmann, H.M. Regan, I. Harrison, E. Boakes. 2017. Inferring extinctions III: A cost-benefit framework for listing extinct species. Biological Conservation 214:336-342.

  • Keith, D.A., S.H.M. Butchart, H.M. Regan, I. Harrison, H.R. Akçakaya, A.R. Solow, M.A. Burgman. 2017. Inferring extinctions I: A structured method using information on threats. Biological Conservation 214:320-327.

  • Rosa, I. M. D., H. M. Pereira, S. Ferrier, R. Alkemade, L. A. Acosta, H. R. Akcakaya, E. d. Belder, A. M. Fazel, S. Fujimori, M. Harfoot, K. A. Harhash, P. A. Harrison, J. Hauck, R. J. J. Hendriks, G. Hernández, W. Jetz, S. I. Karlsson-Vinkhuyzen, H. Kim, N. King, M. T. J. Kok, G. O. Kolomytsev, T. Lazarova, P. Leadley, C. J. Lundquist, J. G. Márquez, C. Meyer, L. M. Navarro, C. Nesshöver, H. T. Ngo, K. N. Ninan, M. G. Palomo, L. M. Pereira, G. D. Peterson, R. Pichs, A. Popp, A. Purvis, F. Ravera, C. Rondinini, J. Sathyapalan, A. M. Schipper, R. Seppelt, J. Settele, N. Sitas, and D. v. Vuuren. 2017. Multiscale scenarios for nature futures. Nature Ecology & Evolution 1:1416-1419.

  • Akçakaya, H.R., H.M. Pereira, G.A. Canziani, C. Mbow, A. Mori, M.G. Palomo, J. Soberón, W. Thuiller, S. Yachi. 2016. Improving the rigour and usefulness of scenarios and models through ongoing evaluation and refinement. Chapter 8 (pages 255-290) in IPBES (2016): The methodological assessment report on scenarios and models of biodiversity and ecosystem services. S. Ferrier, K.N. Ninan, P. Leadley, R. Alkemade, L.A. Acosta, H.R. Akçakaya, L. Brotons, W.W.L. Cheung, V. Christensen, K.A. Harhash, J. Kabubo-Mariara, C. Lundquist, M. Obersteiner, H.M. Pereira, G. Peterson, R. Pichs-Madruga, N. Ravindranath, C. Rondinini and B. A. Wintle (eds.)], Secretariat of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services, Bonn, Germany.

  • Mets, K.D., D. Armenteras, L.M. Dávalos. 2017. Spatial autocorrelation reduces model precision and predictive power in deforestation analyses. Ecosphere 8(5), e01824. DOI:10.1002/ecs2.1824.

  • Cooke, S.B., L.M. Dávalos, A. Mychajliw, S.T. Turvey, N.S. Upham. 2017. Anthropogenic Extinction Dominates Holocene Declines of West Indian Mammals. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics 48, 301-327. DOI:10.1146/annurev-ecolsys-110316-022754.

  • Teeling, E., S. Vernes, L.M. Dávalos, D.A. Ray, M.T. Gilbert, E. Myers, and the Bat1K Consortium. 2018. Bat Biology, Genomes, and the Bat1K Project: to generate chromosome-level genomes for all living bat species. Annual Review of Animal Biosciences 8, XXX-XXX. DOI:10.1146/annurev-animal-022516-022811.

  • Rojas, D., M.J. Ramos Pereira, C. Fonseca, L.M. Dávalos. 2018. Eating down the food chain: generalism is not an evolutionary dead end for herbivores. Ecology Letters. DOI:10.1111/ele.12911.

  • Tavares, V.d.C., O.M. Warsi, F. Balseiro, C. Mancina, L.M. Dávalos. 2018. Out of the Antilles: Fossil Phylogenies Support Reverse Colonization of Bats to South America. Journal of Biogeography. DOI:10.1111/jbi.13175.

  • Jessica Gurevitch, Julia Koricheva, Shinichi Nakagawa & Gavin Stewart. 2018. Meta-analysis and the science of research synthesis. Nature volume 555, pages 175–182, doi:10.1038/nature25753.

  • Kinlock, N.L., Prowant, L., Herstoff, E.M., Foley, C.M., Akin-Fajiye, M., Bender, N., Umarani, M., Ryu, H.Y., Sen, B., Gurevitch, J. 2018. Explaining global variation in the latitudinal diversity gradient: Meta-analysis confirms known patterns and uncovers new ones. Global Ecology and Biogeography. 27:125–141. doi:10.1111/geb.12665.

  • Christopher H. Trisos, Giuseppe Amatulli, Jessica Gurevitch, Alan Robock, Lili Xia, & Brian Zambri. 2018. Potentially dangerous consequences for biodiversity of solar geoengineering implementation and termination. Nature Ecology and Evolution, doi:10.1038/s41559-017-0431-0.

  • Cang Hui, Gordon Fox, and Jessica Gurevitch. 2017. Scale-dependent portfolio effects explain growth inflation and volatility reduction in landscape demography. PNAS 114: 12507-12511.

  • Gerstner, K., Moreno-Mateos, D., Gurevitch, J., Beckmann, M., Kambach, S., Jones, H. P. and Seppelt, R. 2017. Will your paper be used in a meta-analysis? Make the reach of your research broader and longer lasting. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. doi:10.1111/2041-210X.12758.

  • Lynch, M.A. and H.J. Lynch. 2017. Variation in the ecstatic display call of the Gentoo Penguin (Pygoscelis papua) across regional geographic scales. The Auk: Ornithological Advances, 134: 894-902. DOI:10.1642/AUK-17-4.1.

  • Youngflesh, C., and H.J. Lynch. 2017. Black-swan events: Population crashes or temporary emigration? PNAS 114:E8953–E8954. [Letter]

  • Che-Castaldo, C., S. Jenouvrier, C. Youngflesh, K. Shoemaker, G. Humphries, P. McDowall, L. Landrum, M. Holland, Y. Li, R. Ji, and H.J. Lynch. 2017. Spatial aggregation reveals robust dynamics despite stochastic noise in pan-Antarctic analysis of Adélie penguin abundance. Nature Communications 8:832.

  • ALEXANDER S. KONSTANTINOV, K.D. PRATHAPAN AND FREDRIC V. VENCL. 2018. Hiding in plain sight: leaf beetles (Chrysomelidae: Galerucinae) use feeding damage as a masquerade decoy. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2018, 123, 311–320.

  • Fredric V. Vencl, Xin Luan, Xinhua Fu and Luana S. Maroja. 2017. A day-flashing Photinus firefly (Coleoptera: Lampyridae) from central Panamá: an emergent shift to predator-free space?. Insect Systematics & Evolution 48, 512–531