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  • Recent Awards
  • Guggenheim Fellowships to Assist Research and Artistic Creation

    Often characterized as "midcareer" awards, Guggenheim Fellowships are intended for men and women who have already demonstrated exceptional capacity for productive scholarship or exceptional creative ability in the arts.

  • Pew Scholarships

    The Pew Scholars Program in the Biomedical Sciences provides funding to young investigators of outstanding promise in science relevant to the advancement of human health. The program makes grants to selected academic institutions to support the independent research of outstanding individuals who are in their first few years of their appointment at the assistant professor level.Pew fellowship in Marine Conservation support research to improve ocean conservation and management.

  • Sloan Fellowships

    The Sloan Research Fellowships seek to stimulate fundamental research by early-career scientists and scholars of outstanding promise. These two-year fellowships are awarded yearly to 126 researchers in recognition of distinguished performance and a unique potential to make substantial contributions to their field.

  • Packard Fellowships for Science and Engineering

    Fellowships for Science and Engineering allow the nation’s most promising professors to pursue science and engineering research early in their careers with few funding restrictions and limited reporting requirements.

Recent Awards

  • Theodore Drivas

    Theodore Drivas

    2024, Sloan Fellowship

  • Michael Airola

    Michael Airola

    2022, Sloan Fellowship

  • Eszter Boros

    Eszter Boros

    2022, Sloan Fellowship

  • Jennifer Cano

    Jennifer Cano

    2022, Sloan Fellowship

  • Heather Lynch

    Heather Lynch

    2022, Pew Scholarship

  • Suparna Rajaram

    Suparna Rajaram

    2022, Guggenheim Fellowship

  • Prerana Shrestha

    Prerana Shrestha

    2022, Sloan Fellowship

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Guggenheim Fellowships to Assist Research and Artistic Creation

John M. Alexander Chemistry 1969 (Emeritus)
Philip Allen Physics 2002
Ray Anderson Music 2001
Mark Aronoff Linguistics 2014
Javier Auyero Sociology 2000 (now at UT Austin)
Matthew Barnson Music Composition 2015
Konrad F. Bieber French Literature 1957 (1968-86, Emeritus, d. 2006)
Jacob Bigeleisen Chemistry 1974
Michel Bogart Fine Arts Research 2001
Daniel F Bogenhagen Medicine and Health 1990
Karl S. Bottingheimer British History 1973 (Emeritus)
Frederick Brown French Literature 1970 (Emeritus)
David B. Burner U.S. History 1973
William Chittick Translation 2014
Benjamin Chu Chemistry 1968
Stephen Cole Sociology 1978 (Emeritus)
Barry S. Coller Medicine and Health 1982 (1976-1993, now at The Rockefeller University)
Lewis A. Coser Sociology 1975
Rose Laub Coser Sociology 1979
Ruth Schwartz Cowan History of Science and Technology 1988 (now at The University of Pennsylvania)
Cornelius Eady Poetry 1993 (now at University of Missouri)
Nicholas Fisher Earth Science 2004
John Gwynn Fleagle Anthropology and Cultural Studies 1982
Harold Leo Friedman Chemistry 1957
Douglas J. Futuyma Organismic Biology and Ecology 1992
David D. Gilmore Folklore and Popular Culture 2002
Paul Gootenberg Iberian and Latin American History 1993
Paul D. Grannis Physics 2000
Mark Granovetter Sociology 1981 (1977-1992, now at Stanford)
Oscar Alfred Haac French Literature 1957 (Emeritus)
Alice C. Harris Linguistics 2009 (2005-09, now at University of Massachussetts)
Agnes Weiyun He Anthropology and Cultural Studies 2011
Jainendra K. Jain Physics 1996
Philip Johnson Chemistry 1982 (Emeritus)
Temma Kaplan Intellectual and Cultural History 1996 (now at Rutgers)
Janos Kirz Applied Mathematics 1985 (Emeritus)
Eva Kittay Philosophy 2014
Thomas Kranidas English Literature 1972 (Emeritus)
Richard F. Kuisel French History 1988 (now at Georgetown)
Donald B. Kuspit Fine Arts Research 1977 (Emeritus)
Brooke Larson Iberian and Latin American History 2006
James Lattimer Astronomy-Astrophysics 1999
H. Blaine Lawson Mathematics 1983
Billy Jim Layton Music Composition 1963
Robert Lazarsfeld Mathematics 1998
Jeffrey S. Levinton Organismic Biology and Ecology 1983
Mikhail Lyubich Mathematics 2002
Peter J. Manning English Literature 1981
Gary Marker Russian History 2007
Gary G. Matthews Neuroscience 1987
Axel Meyer Organismic Biology and Ecology 1996 (now at University of Konstanz)
Sachiko Murata Translation 2011
Homer Neal Physics 1980 (1981-87, now at University of Michigan)
Andrew Newman Education 2019
Iwao Ojima Chemistry 1995
Luis A. Orozco Physics 1998
Kathlyn A. Parker Chemistry 1987
Rowan Ricardo Phillips Poetry 2015
Howardena D. Pindell Fine Arts 1987
Pedro Carrasco Pizana Anthropology and Cultural Studies 1951
Suparna Rajaram Psychology 2022
Leonardo Rastelli Physics 2013
Elias Rivers Spanish and Portuguese Literature 1959 (Emeritus)
Martin Rocek Physics 1991
Charles Rosen Music Research 1973
James B. Rule Sociology 1976 (currently at UC Berkeley School of Law)
Carl Safina Science Writing 2010
Jeffrey A. Segal Political Science 2011
S. Murray Sherman Neuroscience 2000 (now at University of Chicago)
Sheila Silver Music Composition 2013
Louis Simpson Poetry 1962
Lawrence Slobodkin Organismic Biology and Ecology 1961
Lawrence Slobodkin Organismic Biology and Ecology 1974
Robert R. Sokal Organismic Biology and Ecology 1975
George Stell Physics 1984 (Emeritus)
George Sterman Physics 1985
Rolf Sternglanz Molecular and Cellular Biology 1997
Sidney Strickland Molecular and Cellular Biology 1998 (now at Rockefeller University)
Barbara Weinstein Iberian and Latin American History 1998 (now at NYU)
William Ira Weisberger Physics 1974 (Emeritus)
George C. Williams Organismic Biology and Ecology 1988
Kathleen Wilson British History 2001
Amos Yahil Astronomy-Astrophysics 1984 (Emeritus)
Chen Ning Yang Physics 1962 (Emeritus)

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Pew Scholarships

James B. Bliska Neurobiology 1994
Demian Chapman SoMAS 2014
Jorge E. Galan Microbiology 1990 (now at Yale)
Nancy Hollingsworth Biochemistry 1996
A. Wali Karzai Biochemistry 2003
Maurice Kernan Neurobiology 1997
Caroline Kisker Pharmacology 2000 (now at University of Wurzburg)
Heather Lynch Ecology and Evolution 2022 (Pew Fellows Program in Marine Conservation)
Ellen Pikitch SoMAS 2000
Daniel Raleigh Chemistry 1995
Carl Safina SoMAS 1991

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Sloan Fellowships

Alexander Abanov Physics 2001
Paul Adams Neurobiology 1979 (now at U. of Texas Medical Branch)
Michael Airola Biochemistry and Cell Biology 2022
Igor Aleiner Physics 1998
John M. Alexander Chemistry 1964
Philip B. Allen Physics 1973
Scott L. Anderson Chemistry 1988
Christopher Bishop Mathematics 1992
Eszter Boros Chemistry 2022
Adam Burrows Physics 1985
Jennifer Cano Physics and Astronomy 2022
Sudip Chakravarty Physics 1982
Jeff Cheeger Mathematics 1970
Benjamin Chu Chemistry 1966 (now at U. of Kansas)
Daniel M. Davis Physics 1988
Jimmie D. Doll Chemistry 1976
Ronald G. Douglas Mathematics 1968
Theodore Drivas Mathematics 2024
Dale Drueckhammer Chemistry 1996 (now at Stanford)
Leslie Craig Evinger Neuroscience 1992
Hershel M. Farkas Mathematics 1970
Joseph Fetcho Neuroscience 1992
Daniel Freedman Physics 1969
Michael D. Fried Mathematics 1971
James W. Gnadt Neuroscience 1993
Vladimir J. Goldman Physics 1989
Paul Grannis Physics 1968
Clare P. Grey Chemistry 1998
Albert Haim Chemistry 1964 (Emeritus)
David M. Hanson Chemistry 1972
Noboru Hirota Chemistry 1967
Robert Hough Mathematics 2020
Terence Tai-Li Hwa Physics 1995
Andrew D. Jackson, Jr. Physics 1971
Jainendra Jain Physics 1991
Zurab Kakushadze Physics 2001
Marcus A. Khuri Mathematics 2008
Janos Kirz Physics 1970
Peter M. Koch Physics 1978 (now at Yale)
James M. Lattimer Physics 1982
Henry B. Laufer Mathematics 1976
Paul C. Lauterbur Chemistry 1965
Radu Laza Mathematics 2010
Robert Lazarsfeld Mathematics 1984
Benjamin W. Lee Physics 1963
Jack J. Lissauer Physics 1987
Mikhail Lyubich Mathematics 1991
Bernard Maskit Mathematics 1969 (Emeritus, now at MIT)
Gary G. Matthews Neuroscience 1980
Barry M. McCoy Physics 1973
Yair Minsky Mathematics 1995
Tapan Mitra Economics 1981
William T. Newsome Neuroscience 1985
Kathlyn Parker Chemistry 1977
Peter Paul Physics 1967
Glenn D. Prestwich Chemistry 1981
Hong Qin Computer Science 2001
Chris Quigg Physics 1974
Fausto Ramirez Chemistry 1961
Raanan Schul Mathematics 2010
Sheryl A. Scott Neuroscience 1981
Prerana Shrestha Neurobiology and Behavior 2022
Frank H. Shu Physics 1972
Sanford R. Simon Chemistry 1972
Ralf Spatzier Mathematics 1988
Joel H. Spencer Mathematics 1977
Gene D. Sprouse Physics 1972
Johanna Stachel Physics 1986
Stephen E. Strom Physics 1970
Song Sun Mathematics 2014
Derek Teany Physics 2008
Gang Tian Mathematics 1991
Peter Tonge Chemistry 2001
William Weisberger Physics 1967 (now at Princeton)
Jerry L. Whitten Chemistry 1969
Stanislaus S. Wong Chemistry 2006
Shing-Tung Yau Mathematics 1974
Aleksey Zinger Mathematics 2006

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Packard Fellowships for Science and Engineering

Igor Aleiner Physics 1998 (now at Columbia)

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