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Notable Awards


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Chancellor's Awards


Stony Brook Awards



Teaching Awards

Chancellor’s/President’s Award for Excellence in Teaching

Camille Abbruscato College of Business 2020
Stanley Alexander Children's Dentristry 1994
Harriet R. Allentuch French and Italian 1990
Peter Gregory Angelo Physical Education 1998
Werner Angress History 1975
Esther Arkin Applied Mathematics and Statistics 2008
John Bailyn Linguistics 2016
Michelle Ballan School of Social Welfare 2020
Michael Barnhart History 1985
Diane Barthel Sociology 1989
Michael Bender Computer Science 2015
Samuel Berr Germanic and Slavic Languages 1974
Christina Y. Bethin Germanic and Slavic Languages 1983
Ora Bouey Nursing 1980
Peter Brink Physiology and Biophysics 1993
Monica Bugallo Electrical and Computer Engineering 2017
Terry M. Button Radiology 2013
David Bynum Microbiology 1988
Albert Carlson Neurobiology and Behavior 1983
T. Owen Carroll W. Averell Harriman College 1974
Latha Chandran Pediatrics 2005
Lou Charnon-Deutsch Hispanic Languages 1990
Hugh G. Cleland History 1979
Stephen Cole Sociology 1992
William F. Collins Neurobiology and Behavior 1997
Edward Czerwinski Germanic and Slavic Languages 1974
William Dawes Economics 1974
Roman De la Campa Hispanic Languages 1998
Yuefan Deng Applied Mathematics and Statistics 2016
M. Elayne DeSimone School of Nursing 2002
Bernard Dudock Biochemistry 1974
Mary Anne Dumas School of Nursing 1996
Patricia A. Dunn English 2013
Barbara Elling Germanic and Slavic Languages 1973
Frank Erk Biochemistry 1982
Vera K. Farris Pathology 1973
Edward Feldman Behavioral Medicine 2016
Kenneth A. Feldman Sociology 1995
David L. Ferguson Technology and Society 1992
Fred Ferguson Children's Dentistry 1993
Frank W. Fowler Chemistry 1995
Lenore Frank Mathematics 1993
Nancy Franklin Psychology 1995
James Frauenthal Applied Mathematics and Statistics 1978
Douglas Futuyma Ecology and Evolution 1974
Jonathan Garlick Oral Biology and Pathology 2002
Steven Glynn Biochemistry 2020
Homer Goldberg English 1973
Robert Goldenberg Comparative Studies 1995
Theodore D. Goldfarb Chemistry 1979
Perry Goldstein Music 1997
Erich Goode Sociology 1997
Norman Goodman Sociology 1976
Patrick Grimm Philosophy 1988
Albert Haim Chemistry 1981
Gary Halada Materials Science and Engineering 2012
Robert Harvey French and Italian 1996
George Hechtel Ecology and Evolution 1982
Thomas Hemmick Physics 1996
Nancy Hollingsworth Biochemistry 2014
Shi Ming Hu Social Sciences 1989
Clifford Huffman English 1993
Nilufer Isvan Sociology 1996
William Jungers Anatomical Sciences 2007
Marjorie Kandel Chemistry 1996
Phillip B. Kane Pathology 1992
Imin Kao Mechanical Engineering 2011
Eugene Katz Biology 1975
Dorit Kaufman Linguisitics 2002
Angela M. Kelly Physics and Astronomy, Science Education Program 2016
Robert Kerber Chemistry 1986
Thomas Kerth Germanic and Slavic Languages 1992
Carole Kessner Comparative Studies 1998
Janos Kirz Physics 1976
Kathryn Koshansky Physical Education 1989
Joan Kuchner SSI 2003
Paul G. Kumpel Mathematics 1990
Thomas Kuo Physics and Astronomy 2001
Roy Lacey Chemistry 1998
Gallya Lahav Political Science 2010
Richard Larson Linguistics 1998
Joseph W. Lauher Chemistry 1990
Sohl Lee Art 2020
Craig Lehmann Medical Technology 1986
Jeffrey Leviton Ecology and Evolution 1997
Jonathan Levy Theatre Arts 1991
Thomas T. Liao Technology and Society 1993
W. Brent Lindquist Applied Mathematics and Statistics 2002
Marci Lobel Psychology 2020
Patricia Long School of Nursing 2003
Harvard Lyman Cellular and Developmental Biology 1991
Gary Mar Philosophy 1993
Jaymie Meliker Preventive Medicine/Public Health 2014
Eduardo Mendieta Philosophy 2013
Harold Metcalf Physics 1974
Laszlo Mihaly Physics and Astronomy 2003
Clyde Lee Miller Philosophy 1980
Frederick Miller Pathology 1990
Joseph S.B. Mitchell Applied Mathematics and Statistics 1996
Herbert R. Muether Physics 1978
Frank Myers Political Science 2006
Thomas Neumiller Theatre Arts 1993
Paul Newlin English 1985
Stacy Olster English 1988
Sandy Petrey Comparative Studies 2006
Sharon Pochron SoMAS 2018
Rahman Pourmand Neurology 2008
Mary Rawlinson Philosophy 1994
Sardar Ali Rhan Urology 1995
Elizabet Rigg French and Italian 1975
Louis W. Ripa Jr. Children's Dentistry 1995
John Robinson Psychology 2003
Patricia Roos Sociology 1986
Ian Roxborough Sociology 2013
Gregory Ruf Asian and Asian-American Studies 2011
Raghupathy Sarma Biochemistry 1997
Howard Scarrow Political Science 1987
Robert Schneider Chemistry 2002
Michael Schwartz Sociology 1975
Kenneth Short Electrical Engineering 1985
Kathleen Shurpin School of Nursing 1999
Hugh Silverman Philosophy 1977
Gary A. Simon Applied Mathematics and Statistics 1979
Steven Skiena Computer Science 2000
Michael Sprinkler Comparative Literature 1999
Gene Sprouse Physics and Astronomy 1999
Jack Sterm Anatomical Sciences 1999
Jane Sugarman Music 1995
Amy Yopp Sullivan Theatre Arts 1999
Mark Swerdloff Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 1996
Judith Mark Tanur Sociology 1990
Joseph Tatenhaus Political Science 1976
William Taylor History 1989
James Thomson Ecology and Evolution 2000
John Thorpe Mathematics 1973
Alan C. Tucker Applied Mathematics and Statistics 1974
Joseph Tursi French and Italian 1975
Louise F. Vasvari Hispanic Languages and Literature 1976
Olufemi Vaughan Africana Studies 1997
Stephen Vitkun Anesthesiology 2007
Andrew Wackett Dept of Emergency Medicine; Office of the Dean SOM 2015
H. Barry Waldman Dental Medicine/General Dentistry 2001
Peter C. Williams Health Sciences and Philosophy 1978
Peter Winkler Music 1977
Erez Zakok Computer Science 2008
Rose A. Zimbardo English 1981
Michael Zweig Economics 1991

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Chancellor’s/President’s Award for Excellence in Teaching by an Adjunct

William Bernhard Mathematics 2017
Catherine Cammarata Theatre Arts 2018
Zachary Dowdy Journalism 2020
Jeffrey Ecklund Undergrad Biology 2020
Nancee Moes Theatre Arts 2018
Margot Whittemore Palermo College of Business 2017

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Outstanding Lecturers

Jennifer Albanese Writing Program 2012
Carl Allocca Business 2014
Charles Backfish History 2012
Kurt Bretsch SoMAS 2014
Dennis Clarke Writing Program 2012
Elena Davidiak Hispanic Languages and Literature 2019
Cynthia Davidson Writing Program 2012
Lilia Delfina Ruiz Debbe Hispanic Languages and Literature 2012
Susan Erster Biochemistry and Cell Biology 2014
Wilbur Farley Writing 2013
Aaron Godfrey European Languages 2012
Shoki Goodarzi Art 2012
Bakhtavar Hagedorn Applied Mathematics and Statistics 2014
Timothy Hyde Philosophy 2013
Irene Marchegiani European Languages 2013
Catherine Marrone Sociology 2013
Kevin McDonnell Computer Science 2024
Sunita Mukhi Asian & Asian American Studies 2012
Susan Oatis Chemistry 2014
Linda Padwa CESAME 2014
Fernando O. Raineri Chemistry 2013
Sara Santos Writing and Rhetoric 2024
Eriko Sato Asian & Asian American Studies 2012
Thomas Tousey Writing 2013
Bente Videbaek English 2012
Dongmei Zeng Asian & Asian American Studies 2013
Marilyn Zucker Writing Program 2012

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