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Step UP in Fall/Spring Semester

Start your academic journey in Fall or Spring Semester by taking academic English and credit courses.

  • UP 1

    UP 1

    SAMPLE timeline

    Students starting UP1 in Fall can expect to complete UP2 in the Spring and matriculate to Undergraduate studies in the following Fall semester.

    UP1 Fall Start


    Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

    IEC 103



    IEC 103



    IEC 103



    IEC 103



    IEC 103


    MondaySTUDY HALL TuesdayCredit Course WednesdaySTUDY HALL ThursdayCredit Course FridayCHAT ROOM

    Academic Courses (Pick One)*
    Available courses coming soon.

    *Subject to availability.  Additional courses may be available.


    IEC 103 + University Course (3 credits)

    IEC 103 - Integrated Academic English
    Core IEC courses focusing on reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills.

    University Credit Course

    You will be enrolled by the IEC in one university course, which will count towards your degree and GPA.

    This undergraduate course will be a freshman level course that meets the requirements of the Stony Brook Curriculum (SBC).

    Examples of courses:  PSY 103 Intro to Psychology, ATM 102 Weather & Climate, SOC 105 Intro to Sociology, MUS 119 Elements of Music, ARS 154 Foundations of Drawing, FLM 102 Intro to Film and TV Composition, GEO 103 Earth Through Time

    Please note that the course selections will vary by term.

    Study Hall
    Participate in weekly meetings led by instructors or teaching assistants who will guide you to successfully complete your courses.

    Chat Room
    Sign up for individual or small group meetings with peer mentors for conversation practice.  You will be introduced to extra-curricular activities such as clubs, recreation, sports, and other events that enhance college life.

    completion requirements

    Achieve a B or better in IEC 103 and a 2.0 GPA in your credit course to advance to UP2 in the Spring Semester.

  • UP 2

    UP 2

    SAMPLE timeline

    Students starting UP2 in Fall can expect to matriculate to Undergraduate studies in the Spring semester.

    UP2 Fall Start


    Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

    IEC 104



    IEC 104



    IEC 104



    IEC 104



    IEC 104


    MondaySTUDY HALL TuesdayCredit Course(s) WednesdaySTUDY HALL ThursdayCredit Course(s) FridayCHAT ROOM 

    Academic Courses (Pick Two)*
    Available courses coming soon.

    *Subject to availability.  Additional courses may be available.

    Course Components

    IEC 104 + University Courses (6 credits)

    IEC 104 – Integrated Academic English
    Core IEC courses focusing on reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills.

    University Credit Courses

    You will be enrolled by the IEC in two university courses, which will count towards your degree and GPA.

    These undergraduate courses will be freshman level courses that meets the requirements of the Stony Brook Curriculum (SBC).

    Examples of courses:  PSY 103 Intro to Psychology, ATM 102 Weather & Climate, SOC 105 Intro to Sociology, MUS 119 Elements of Music, ARS 154 Foundations of Drawing, FLM 102 Intro to Film and TV Composition, GEO 103 Earth Through Time

    Please note that the course selections will vary by term.

    Prepare 4 Success @ SBU
    Learn about the Stony Brook Curriculum (SBC), graduation requirements, course descriptions, prerequisites, majors and minors, and academic standing. You will also learn about different support areas on campus, such as tutoring centers and academic advising. 

    Study Hall
    Participate in weekly meetings led by instructors or teaching assistants who will guide you to successfully complete your courses.

    Chat Room
    Sign up for individual or small group meetings with peer mentors for conversation practice. You will be introduced to extra-curricular activities such as clubs, recreation, sports, and other events that enhance college life.

    completion requirements

    Achieve a B or better in IEC 104 and a 2.0 GPA in credit courses to matriculate to Undergraduate Studies in the Spring Semester.