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Spring 2024 Seed Grant Award Winners

Below are the winners of theSpring 2024 Seed Grant Program competition. Faculty were asked to submit an abstract and brief proposal, including a timeline that demonstrated how this seed funding would help to develop a highly competitive proposal for extramural funding. Seventy-two applications were received from Stony Brook colleges, including, but not limited to, the College of Arts and Sciences, the College of Business the College of Engineering and Applied Sciences, the Renaissance School of Medicine, the School of Health Professions, and the School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences. The following projects were selected for funding with an award start date of August 1, 2024. 

Eric Brouzes, Department of Biomedical Engineering, KennethShroyer, Department of Pathology: Point of Care Digital Platform for Cervical Cancer Prognosis

Eva Carceles Poveda, Dana Golden, Ria Rajib Shah, Department of Economics: The International Determinants of Shareholder Disagreement

Nilanjan Chakrabortyand Kedar Kirane, Department of Mechanical Engineering, IV Ramakrishnan and Georgios Georgakis, Department of Surgery: Data-Enabled Manipulation Planning and Control for Autonomous Robotic Surgical Assistants

Christine DeLorenzo, Department of Psychiatry and Department of Biomedical Engineering: Development of a Blood Glucose Based Correction Factor for Brain Glutamate Estimates

Margaret Echelbarger, College of Business: Children’s Reasoning about Nonobvious Cues to Wealth and Power

Guanyu Huang, Program in Public Health,John Mak, School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences: Acquisition of an HCHO Analyzer for Studies of Photochemical Smog and its Health Impact

Shubham Jain, Department of Computer Science, Craig Beale and Rachel Meaney, Department of Speech Language and Hearing: Assistive Wearable Technology to Improve Communication for Individuals with Speech Disorders

Hyungjin Kim and Gilbert Rahme, Department of Pharmacological Sciences, Luis Martinez, Department of Pathology: Key Determinants of DNA Replication Catastrophe Signaling in Anti-Cancer Therapy

Min-Jeong Kim, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health: PET Imaging of Reactive Astrocytes and Microglia in Alzheimer's Disease

Haibin Ling, Department of Computer Science, Yingtian Pan, Department of Biomedical Engineering: AI-Empowered Optical Coherence Tomography

Zhenhua Liu, Department of Applied Math and Statistics, Anshul Gandhi, Department of Computer Science: Towards Efficient and Sustainable LLM Deployments

Lisa Muratori, Department of Physical Therapy, Petar Djuric, Department of Electrical Engineering, Shubham Jain, Department of Computer Science, Margaret Schedel, Department of Music and The Institute of Advanced Computational Science, Joshua Plotkin, Department of Neurobiology and Behavior:Engineering Gait Rehabilitation in Parkinson’s Disease through Music and AI

Neil Nadkarni, Department of Neurology,Stella Tsirka, Department of Pharmacology, Chao Chen and Prateek Prassana, Department of Biomedical Informatics: Multi-Scale Imaging Informatics to Define Inflammatory Dynamics in Stroke Throughout Aging

Jesus Perez Rios, Department of Physics and Astronomy: Decoherence in Quantum Gates Based on Ultracold Molecules

Hyowon Seo, Department of Materials Science and Chemical Engineering: Efficiency at Scale: High-Capacity High-Throughput Electrochemical Carbon Capture Using Sediment Flow and Pulsed Electrolysis

Qiaojie Xiong, Department of Neurobiology & Behavior, Song Wu, Department of Applied Mathematics and Statistics: The Role of Tail Striatal Astrocyte in Regulating Neuronal Plasticity during Associative Learning

Wei Yang, Department of Pathology: PHF8 Promotes Prostate Cancer Metastasis by Epigenetically Upregulating RIPK2

Donghui Zhuand Juncen Zhou, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Wayne Waltzer, Department of Urology: Biodegradable Metallic Stents for Ureteral Obstruction Treatment

Qingzhi Zhu, Christopher Gobler, and Yi Zhang, School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences: Overcome the Challenge of Per- and Polyfluorinated Substances (PFAS) Removal in Aquatic Systems using Molecular Tailoring Technology

Michael Zingale, Department of Physics and Astronomy: Building a Community for Reactive Flow Software Infrastructure