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Resident Assistant Recruitment Information

Resident Assistants (RA) are important and valuable team members of the department of residential education within Campus Residences. Students who serve as an RA have the opportunity to develop leadership skills, communication skills, foster strong relationships with peers, residents, and their supervisor and promote diversity and inclusion in their area. In this position, students can grow exponentially in their personal and professional life. Both undergraduate and graduate students can be RAs in the residence halls and our apartment areas on campus.

How to Apply
The application cycle for the 2025-2026 academic year RA positions is in progress.

The RA Application is due by 11:59 pm on November 27th, 2024.
In order to gain access to the application, you must attend an RA Informational Session.

    • You must have submitted the application in its entirety by the above deadline. There are no extensions to submitting the RA Application, so if you are unable to submit the application, you will not be able to apply for the position this year and will need to apply for the 2026 - 2027 academic year RA position in October 2025.
    • You will hear back in January regarding your application status and whether you have moved on to our interview process.

 RA Information Sessions

Date time location sb engaged link
DateWednesday, October 9th time12:00 PM locationBauman Center sb engaged linkMore Information
DateThursday, October 17th time3:00 PM locationBenedict South Lounge sb engaged linkMore Information
DateSunday, October 20th time12:00 PM locationZoom sb engaged linkMore Information
DateWednesday, October 23rd time1:00 PM locationDevries Center sb engaged linkMore Information
DateThursday, October 24th time10:00 AM locationUnion Auditorium 103-2 sb engaged linkMore Information
DateMonday, October 28th time7:00 PM locationWest E Commons sb engaged linkMore Information
DateTuesday, November 5th time3:00 PM locationZoom sb engaged linkMore Information
DateThursday, November 7th time8:30 PM locationBauman Center sb engaged linkMore Information
DateSunday, November 10th time2:00 PM locationChapin MPR sb engaged linkMore Information
DateMonday, November 11th time8:00 PM locationBauman Center sb engaged linkMore Information
DateTuesday, November 12th time11:00 AM locationUnion Ballroom sb engaged linkMore Information
DateFriday, November 15th time6:00 PM locationTabler Community Center 110 sb engaged linkMore Information
DateWednesday, November 20th time12:00 PM locationDevries Center sb engaged linkMore Information
DateThursday, November 21st time7:00 PM locationZoom sb engaged linkMore Information

If you have any questions about information that was not addressed above, your inquiry will be answered by a member of the committee in the next few days.

Questions? Contact  

A group of RAs standing

RA Responsibilities

Resident Assistants are responsible for ensuring safe and welcoming conditions within the residence halls and apartments. RAs work to build inclusive communities in their assigned area through peer to peer interactions, programming, and bulletin boards. While the specific responsibilities of an RA will vary from area to area and building to building, some of the responsibilities include:

    • Attending staff meetings on Tuesday evenings.
    • Attending and participating in Fall training in early August and Spring training in early January.
    • Knowing the residents of your building/hall/area in an effort to be aware of their personal, social, and academic concerns.
    • Referring concerns to your supervisor and other appropriate entities on campus if someone can benefit from professional attention.
    • Being visible, available, and approachable by the residents of the area.
    • Holding floor socials and meetings at intervals determined by your supervisor.
    • Keeping the Residence Hall Director (RHD) in the loop about trends in your community.
    • Being familiar with and able to communicate/uphold housing and university policies and procedures in a positive manner.
    • Sitting duty for your building/area on a rotating basis. While on duty you serve as the point person for any issues that arise in your duty area after normal business hours. This includes weekends and holidays.
    • Assessing the needs of your residents on a continual basis. Initiating, planning and organizing programs of a social, educational, cultural and recreational nature.
    • Encouraging students to take responsibility for their own actions by establishing behavioral standards that promote the concept of common courtesy and consideration for others.
    • Role modeling appropriate behavior.
    • Assessing building prior to and post occupancy to ensure damage is rectified each year.
    • Completing administrative tasks that are necessary for the smooth operation of the building.
    • Other duties as assigned by your supervisor, your area’s professional staff, or the department as a whole.

If you have any questions, please reach out to the Resident Assistant Development and Recruitment Committee at This email is monitored by committee members and you should expect a response within 2-3 business days.

RAs at a check in table for move in

Frequently asked questions