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Staying Safe

Residential Safety Program

The Residential Safety Program (RSP), a program under Residential Safety & Support Services, was founded in 1975. It is a student based organization which consists of a staff of over 120 students. RSP patrols the residential buildings and grounds to help ensure a safe community. RSP also offers a walk/escort service to any points on campus from 12:00PM - 3:00AM.

Simply call 631-632-WALK (9255) to arrange a walk.


Campus Safety

  • Keep room door locked at all times
  • Use ID Card to access buildings, do not prop residential doors open
  • Do not leave personal property unattended
  • Stay in groups at night or use RSP Walk Service
  • Know the location of Emergency Phones around campus


Health Safety

Student Health Center


Fire Safety

  • Never leave stove or cooking appliances unattended
  • Keep kitchen areas in apartments and building clean and free of clutter
  • Follow all rules and regulations in the Terms of Occupancy 
  • Be aware of all building exits (Map displayed on back of all residential doors)

Safe Cooking Tips


Winter Safety

  • Be aware of slippery surfaces when walking outside, even after snow has started to clear
  • Wear warm, bright clothing that does not block your view, especially in bad weather conditions
  • Be aware of snow on roofs, trees, and icicles that may fall
  • Stay in designated walkways as much as possible and do not walk in the road


Heat Safety Tips for Move-In

  • Drink plenty of water throughout the day. Staying hydrated helps regulate your body temperature and prevents overheating. 
  • Wear lightweight, loose-fitting and light-colored clothing to stay cool. A hat and sunglasses can also provide extra protection from the sun. 
  • Be sure to take frequent breaks either in a shaded area or an air conditioned community space. Every residence hall has an air conditioned community lounge students and their families can visit to help cool off. 
  • We strongly advise setting up your fan as soon as you arrive in your room. Window fans are encouraged to help bring the cooler outside air into your room at night. Individual AC units and “swamp coolers” are prohibited in all residence halls.As stated in the Terms of Occupancy, all appliances must be U.L. (Underwriters Laboratories) or ETL (Electrical Testing Laboratories) listed.
  • In combination with fans, dehumidifiers can be a great tool to reduce your room temperature. High humidity levels can cause your room to feel warmer. A dehumidifier will help to lower the humidity levels in your room and help you feel cooler. 
  • If you start to feel any symptoms of heat exhaustion, such as heavy sweating, dizziness, or nausea, seek medical attention immediately. 


Personal Property Insurance

The University does not cover damage to students' personal property. It is highly 
recommended that students insure their own personal property via renters 
insurance policy. It is important to confirm with your homeowners insurance 
carrier that student’s property (including computers and other electronics) will be 
fully covered for loss while housed outside of the family dwelling. As stated in your 
Terms of Occupancy, the University assumes no legal obligation to pay for loss 
of or damage to items of student’s personal property occurring on campus or in its 
buildings or storage areas.