Filing the Paper Based Form I-765
This page provides detailed instructions on how to fill out the I-765 if you are applying for the 24-Month STEM Extension by mail. If you instead wish to file the I-765 online, we have a separate resource for that.
USCIS ultimately provides the decision on your STEM application. It is your responsibility, as the STEM applicant, to ensure that your application is accurate and complete before you submit it to the U.S. government.
Download the most recent Form I-765. We strongly recommend that you type your answers to prevent unclear handwriting from causing any issues or delays.
You MUST submit your I-765 and supporting to USCIS before the expiration of your Post-Completion OPT and within 60 days of the issue date of your OPT Form I-20 (listed on page 1, next to your advisor's signature).