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These resources are intended for public health and clinical laboratory staff involved in any step of the packing or transporting process of patient samples or cultures. Hospital employees who transport or ship hazardous materials, infectious, and diagnostic specimens must be trained and certified by their employer prior to shipping and packing dangerous goods.

Warning! You may be in violation of Federal Law and create a public safety hazard if you ship dry ice, hazardous materials, or any other “Dangerous Goods” unless you have received specific training, and the material is properly packaged and labeled.

The information below consists of applicable regulations and requirements for the transportation of Division 6.2 infectious substances and dry ice and resources to determine proper course of action for packing and shipping. When shipping a Category A infectious substance, an emergency contact number is required. The contact person must be available by phone during the entire time the package is in transit. The contact must know Emergency Response Procedures in case of an accident or spill. Contact Specimen Receiving at 631-444-2616 to arrange for 24-hour coverage during transit of the package. These resources are intended to support trained and certified staff in preparing and preparing shipments. Please contact Environmental Health and Safety to schedule initial live training at 631-444-6783.