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Fire Drills


During a fire, seconds count!  Even during this pandemic, we must practice fire safety and conduct fire drills in accordance with NYS Fire Code and the NYS Education Law.

Our campus Fire Marshals are scheduled to conduct fire drills this October in all campus buildings and residential facilities.  Here are a few important safety reminders to ensure a quick, safe and orderly evacuation of our buildings in the event of an emergency.

  1. Upon hearing a fire alarm, all persons should exit the building without delay.
  2. Maintain social distance as you leave
  3. Take only your keys, ID, purse/wallet, etc…
  4. Evacuate and close your door behind you.
  5. Use the nearest exit or stairwell to leave the building.  Do not use the elevator.
  6. Once outside, move at least 25 feet away from the building entrances.
  7. Maintain at least 6 feet of distance from others while outside.
  8. Do not re-enter the building until cleared by a Fire Marshal, Safety Warden, Police Officer or other University Official.
  9. When returning to your class, workstation or residence, please keep at least 6 feet apart.


To ensure building occupants are familiar with and practice fire evacuation procedures, fire drills are conducted in all facilities in accordance with NYS Fire Code and NYS Education Law. Fire drills are not only to prepare for fires, they educate students, staff and faculty on how to leave the office, classrooms and buildings quickly in case of any emergency, such as an active shooter or natural disaster. Our objectives include:

  • Giving employees an opportunity to practice emergency procedures in a simulated but safe environment.
  • Determining if employees understand and can carry out emergency duties.
  • Evaluating effectiveness of evacuation procedures and determining necessary changes or adjustments to procedures to improve performance.

Frequency: Fire drills are conducted once per semester in all business occupancies (academic and support facilities) and twice per semester (day/night) in all residential facilities.  Additional drills may be conducted during summer sessions.

Fire Drill Communication: At the beginning of each semester the Fire Marshal's Office will develop and send out the drill schedule for that semester to the building managers. The schedule considers and makes accommodations for significant events, meetings or activities. Accommodations shall also be made to avoid exam periods or other large scale events so as to limit disruption to our student’s educational experience and research projects.

Evacuation: All individuals (except those where a disability prevents it) shall evacuate the building when the fire alarm system is activated.

  • Occupants are advised to exit the building using the nearest exit, never use the elevator, not block the entrance, stay at least 25’ away, not stand in active parking areas or roadways, etc.

Fire Marshals: In addition to ensuring that occupants evacuated, Fire Marshals must also:

  • Verify that fire alarms are activated throughout the facility.
  • Testing of voice fire alarms.
  • Check that electromagnetic devices operated, critical equipment (e.g. gas supply, HVAC, etc.) and operations (e.g. laboratories, food service areas, etc.) were shut down.
  • Provide assistance for disabled persons and resolve other issues that may arise.
  • Reset alarms, building systems, etc.
  • Communicate with Building Managers, Safety Wardens and University Police.

To improve the effectiveness of the fire drill program, Fire Drills will be conducted with a minimum of two Fire Marshals who will wear vests for visibility.


Documentation: Appropriate records shall be completed, reviewed, signed off on by the Manager and properly filed for each building.


Please visit the Emergency Evacuation website or use the links below to review additional specific evacuation instructions.  If you have any questions about the fire drills, please contact the Fire Marshal’s office at 2-9678.


Fire Alarms and Evacuation 

Evacuation Guide for People with Physical Disabilities

Health Science Center (HST/BST) Fire Alarm Evacuation