Grant Applications
Many agencies that sponsor research require information on the environmental, health and safety practices of the Principal Investigator and the host research institute. This may be a short statement, a signed Certificate of Environmental Compliance, or it may require a full description of the environmental, health and safety practices. The Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) regulations (40 CFR 1500 - 1508) that implement the National Environmental Policy Act require all federal agencies to examine possible environmental consequences of their proposed and ongoing actions. Environmental Health and Safety (EH&S) will assist Principal Investigators who must provide this information to the sponsoring agency. EH&S will certify, after an inspection, that the lab is in compliance with applicable regulations. The Principal Investigator must contact EH&S at least 4 working days before the application is due. Environmental Health and Safety requires some basic information from the PI before signing the compliance statement. This information includes:
- Name of the PI of record for the grant and the grant title.
- A short description of the research protocol.
- A list of hazardous chemicals that will be used in the protocol.
- A list of biological materials that will be used in the protocol.
- A list of radiological materials* that will be used in the protocol.
- The IBC, IACUC, or other approval numbers, if applicable.
- The location of the laboratory where the work will take place.
Please send your request for assistance to:
Environmental Health and Safety
110 Suffolk Hall
Stony Brook, NY 11794-6200
Main Office: (631) 632-6410, FAX: (631) 632-9683
*A Radiological Permit is required before work begins. Contact Peter Babin, Radiation Safety Officer at (631) 632-3722 or