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Grant Applications

Many agencies that sponsor research require information on the environmental, health and safety practices of the Principal Investigator and the host research institute. This may be a short statement, a signed Certificate of Environmental Compliance, or it may require a full description of the environmental, health and safety practices. The Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) regulations (40 CFR 1500 - 1508) that implement the National Environmental Policy Act require all federal agencies to examine possible environmental consequences of their proposed and ongoing actions. Environmental Health and Safety (EH&S) will assist Principal Investigators who must provide this information to the sponsoring agency. EH&S will certify, after an inspection, that the lab is in compliance with applicable regulations. The Principal Investigator must contact EH&S at least 4 working days before the application is due. Environmental Health and Safety requires some basic information from the PI before signing the compliance statement. This information includes:

  1. Name of the PI of record for the grant and the grant title.
  2. A short description of the research protocol.
  3. A list of hazardous chemicals that will be used in the protocol.
  4. A list of biological materials that will be used in the protocol.
  5. A list of radiological materials* that will be used in the protocol.
  6. The IBC, IACUC, or other approval numbers, if applicable.
  7. The location of the laboratory where the work will take place.

Please send your request for assistance to:

Environmental Health and Safety

110 Suffolk Hall

Stony Brook, NY 11794-6200

Main Office: (631) 632-6410, FAX: (631) 632-9683

*A Radiological Permit is required before work begins. Contact Peter Babin, Radiation Safety Officer at (631) 632-3722 or