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Application Updates


Application Updates

The WolfMart user experience is always at the forefront of our minds. We are constantly striving to make the user experience easier for, and more accessible to, our University partners and constituents. To better serve the needs of the Stony Brook University community, WolfMart is updated multiple times each year. These updates include new features, as well as changes to existing features, to better support the University. Please see below for the features of the most recent releases, as well as a timeline of planned outages for implementing enhancements.

Version Feature Snapshot Release Notes

Version 24.2 (JULY 15, 2024)

Feature Snapshot


Version 24.1 (MARCH 18, 2024)

Feature Snapshot


Version 23.3 (November 5, 2023)

Feature Snapshot

Release Notes:

  1. eProcurement
  2. Contracts+
  3. Sourcing
  4. Invoicing

**PLEASE NOTE** A valid Stony Brook account is necessary to access these documents.
