Featured Promo Slider
The Featured Promo Slider allows you to place three or more promotional images with accompanying text and links in a promo section, over a background image or color, with the ability to "slide" through them left or right.
Note:This is a 'full-width' snippet that can only be placed in a Promo Section and not in a Main Content Area.
How to Use : Featured Promo Section
1. Click on the snippet button in the toolbar.
2. Select the Sliders category
3. Choose the 'Featured Promo Sider - Section' snippet
4. The top part of the table allows you to adjust the borders, padding and margins,
but the default settings are suggested.
5. You can then choose a background image, or a background color (using a hex code).
To choose a background image, click on the background image field and then click on the edit/insert image icon in the toolbar.
Note that you will be directed to a background images folder that contains approved background images that are formatted appropriately. You will not be able to insert your own background image.
6. After choosing an image or background color, edit the content of each slider element. There are three elements or 'cards' in the default slider. To add more, right-click in the last row and select 'ROW - COPY ROW' to add a fourth card to the slider (each row is a card).
For each row, choose or upload an image to use, add descriptive content, a URL to link to and the link text.
Note that there is also a snippet called 'Featured Promo Slider' that does not place a background image or color around the slider. This can be used within an existing promo section.
7. Save and preview. Publish.
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Turkana Basin Institute (TBI)
The Turkana Basin Institute is a collaborative, international, multi-disciplinary organization co-founded by the Leakey family and Stony Brook University that facilitates scientific research in northern Kenya. TBI has two field stations for scientists and students, and also runs a community outreach program and a field school taught by experts in their field.
Turkana Basin Institute (TBI)The Turkana Basin Institute is a collaborative, international, multi-disciplinary organization co-founded by the Leakey family and Stony Brook University that facilitates scientific research in northern Kenya. TBI has two field stations for scientists and students, and also runs a community outreach program and a field school taught by experts in their field.... Learn More
Advanced Energy Research and Technology Center (AERTC)
The Advanced Energy Center is a partnership of academic institutions, research institutions, energy providers and industrial corporations. Together they pursue pioneering energy research and deploy education and technology with a focus on efficiency, conservation, renewable energy and nanotechnology applications for new and novel sources of energy.
Advanced Energy Research and Technology Center (AERTC)The Advanced Energy Center is a partnership of academic institutions, research institutions, energy providers and industrial corporations. Together they pursue pioneering energy research and deploy education and technology with a focus on efficiency, conservation, renewable energy and nanotechnology applications for new and novel sources of energy.... Learn More
Center of Excellence in Wireless and Information Technology (CEWIT)
CEWIT is a government-industry-academic partnership leading the next wave of the wireless and information technology revolution. The Center conducts world-class interdisciplinary research in the emerging critical technologies, fosters new enterprise development, addresses the technology worker shortage and has superior experience handling the needs of industry.
Center of Excellence in Wireless and Information Technology (CEWIT)CEWIT is a government-industry-academic partnership leading the next wave of the wireless and information technology revolution. The Center conducts world-class interdisciplinary research in the emerging critical technologies, fosters new enterprise development, addresses the technology worker shortage and has superior experience handling the needs of industry.... Learn More
Turkana Basin Institute (TBI)
The Turkana Basin Institute is a collaborative, international, multi-disciplinary organization co-founded by the Leakey family and Stony Brook University that facilitates scientific research in northern Kenya. TBI has two field stations for scientists and students, and also runs a community outreach program and a field school taught by experts in their field.
Turkana Basin Institute (TBI)The Turkana Basin Institute is a collaborative, international, multi-disciplinary organization co-founded by the Leakey family and Stony Brook University that facilitates scientific research in northern Kenya. TBI has two field stations for scientists and students, and also runs a community outreach program and a field school taught by experts in their field.... Learn More
Advanced Energy Research and Technology Center (AERTC)
The Advanced Energy Center is a partnership of academic institutions, research institutions, energy providers and industrial corporations. Together they pursue pioneering energy research and deploy education and technology with a focus on efficiency, conservation, renewable energy and nanotechnology applications for new and novel sources of energy.
Advanced Energy Research and Technology Center (AERTC)The Advanced Energy Center is a partnership of academic institutions, research institutions, energy providers and industrial corporations. Together they pursue pioneering energy research and deploy education and technology with a focus on efficiency, conservation, renewable energy and nanotechnology applications for new and novel sources of energy.... Learn More
Center of Excellence in Wireless and Information Technology (CEWIT)
CEWIT is a government-industry-academic partnership leading the next wave of the wireless and information technology revolution. The Center conducts world-class interdisciplinary research in the emerging critical technologies, fosters new enterprise development, addresses the technology worker shortage and has superior experience handling the needs of industry.
Center of Excellence in Wireless and Information Technology (CEWIT)CEWIT is a government-industry-academic partnership leading the next wave of the wireless and information technology revolution. The Center conducts world-class interdisciplinary research in the emerging critical technologies, fosters new enterprise development, addresses the technology worker shortage and has superior experience handling the needs of industry.... Learn More
Turkana Basin Institute (TBI)
The Turkana Basin Institute is a collaborative, international, multi-disciplinary organization co-founded by the Leakey family and Stony Brook University that facilitates scientific research in northern Kenya. TBI has two field stations for scientists and students, and also runs a community outreach program and a field school taught by experts in their field.
Turkana Basin Institute (TBI)The Turkana Basin Institute is a collaborative, international, multi-disciplinary organization co-founded by the Leakey family and Stony Brook University that facilitates scientific research in northern Kenya. TBI has two field stations for scientists and students, and also runs a community outreach program and a field school taught by experts in their field.... Learn More-
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